


河北科技大学 2023年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题










Section I Linguistics

I. Multiple choices. (10 points in all, and 2 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

1. The phrases such as reading in the classroomis regarded as a (an) __________.

A. exocentric        B. subordinate        C. endocentric       D. coordinate

2. __________ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language users knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances.

A. Performance      B. Competence       C. Langue          D. Parole

3. The open syllable refers to the syllable that has no __________.

A. onset            B. coda             C. nucleus          D. rhyme

4. What essentially distinguish semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning

__________ is considered.

A. Speech act       B. function          C. practical language  D. context

5. The underlined part in the word unfairis a __________.

A. free root         B. bound root         C. suffix           D. prefix

II. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true or F for false on the answer sheet. (10 points in all, and 2 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

(  ) 6. Only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds.

(  ) 7. Language is written because writing is the primary medium for all languages.

(  ) 8. The sound [p] in the word spreadis pronounced as a voiceless consonant.

(  ) 9. Connotative meaning of the same word may vary from culture to culture.

(  ) 10. The syntactic rules of a language are infinite in number, therefore there is no limit to the number of sentences that could be produced.

III. Define the following terms (15 points in all, and 3 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

11. A perlocutionary act

12. Assimilation

13. Morphology

14. Exocentric construction

15. Prescriptive linguistics

IV. Answer the questions (15 points in all. 6 points for Question 16 and 9 points for Question 17. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

16. How do you understand Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication? (6 points)

17. What are the ways to extend syntactic constituents? (9 points)

Section British and American Literature

V. Multiple choices. (10 points in all, and 2 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

18. James Joyce’s , is a collection of 15 stories, the most famous of which are “The Dead” and “Araby”.

A. Dubliners B. Ulysses C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man D. Finnegans Wake

19. Emily Dickinsons poems include poems of _________.

A. love                B. death              C. nature            D. all the above

20. frequently applied metaphysical conceits in his poems.

A. Edmund Spencer      B. William Blake C. John Donne D. John Milton

21. _________ is the first American author to win the Nobel Prize in literature.

A. Saul Bellow B. Sinclair Lewis C. Allen Ginsberg      D. Arthur Miller

22. Jack London wrote all of the following EXCEPT _________.

A. The Call of the Wild B. White Fang C. Martin Eden D. The Pioneers

VI. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true or F for false on the answer sheet. (5 points in all, and 1 point for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

(  ) 23. Whitman is a founding figure of American poetry. His innovation first of all lies in his use of free verse, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.

(  ) 24. Dramatic monologue is the typical feature of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poetry.

(  ) 25. Henry David Thoreau is the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.

(  ) 26. Oscar Wilde is the representative of the aesthetic movement and advocates the principle of art for arts sake”.

(  ) 27. In the novel Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf uses narrative techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue.

VII. Define the following terms. (15 points in all, and 5 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

28. Byronic Hero

29. Ode

30. Harlem Renaissance

VIII. Essay Questions. (20 points in all, and 10 points for each. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

31. Why Jonathan Swift is a master satirist? Take Gulliver’s Travels and A Modest Proposal as examples to illustrate your idea.

32. Describe T. S. Eliot’s points of view and features of poetry.

Section III Translation

IX. Translation from English to Chinese. (25 points in all. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)

Scientists have identified more than 3,000 potentially harmful chemicals that can be found in food packaging and other food-related materials, two-thirds of which were not previously known to be in contact with food. An international group of scientists analyzed more than 1,200 scientific studies where chemicals had been measured in food packaging, processing equipment, tableware and reusable food containers. A report released on Thursday by the Food Packaging Forum, a Switzerland-based non-profit, noted little is known about many of the 3,240 chemicals examined in these studies or their effects on people. Manufacturers are either intentionally or unintentionally adding these chemicals to packaging and other equipment, said Pete Myers, a report co-author and founder and chief scientist of Environmental Health Sciences, a non-profit advocacy group. Either way, many of those chemicals are ending up in the human body, he said. “If we don’t know what it is, we don’t know its toxicity,” Myers said. “The mix of chemicals is just too complicated to allow us to regulate them safely.”

X. Translation from Chinese to English. (25 points in all. Write your answers on the answer sheet, otherwise they will be regarded as invalid.)
