


杜琪珍 研究员 










• 研究领域 




(1) 不同EGCG-β-LG纳米粒肿瘤抑制活性差异的机理(31270724),国家自然科学基金,2013-2016。 

(2) β-乳球蛋白与亲水性食品功能分子共组装纳米分散体机制研究(20113326110001),教育部博士点基金,2012-2014。 

(3) EGCG纳米分散体制备工艺研究(2012BAD36B06-3-子项),十二五科技支撑计划,2012-2014。 

(4) 茶多酚-花色苷抗视觉疲劳功能产品开发(2011BAD01B03-5-2),十二五科技支撑计划,2011-2013。 

(5) β-乳球蛋白-儿茶素类化合物纳米粒形成机理及活性增效研究(Z12C160014),2012-2014,浙江省自然科学基金重点项目,2012-2014。 


• 教学工作 


• 学术兼职 

Current Chromatography编委 

Chromatography Research International 编委 

The Open Agriculture Journal编委 

International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products编委 

食品质量安全检测学报 编委 

• 获奖及成果 

获浙江省科技进步一等奖(三种植物源天然活性物质制备技术研究及产业化)、农业部科技进步二等奖(茶儿茶素等有效成分分离、应用及新型茶加工技术)、中国农业科学院科技成果二等奖(低速逆流色谱分离技术及其应用)、浙江省科技进步三等奖(果类植物及废弃物中天然多酚活性物制备关键技术及产业化)、农业部科技进步三等奖(提取茶叶中机能性成分的工艺技术)、Edward Chou Award(国际逆流色谱协会最高奖)等成果奖项。 

• 发表论著 



1).Zhang, Yin,J., Chen,J., Wang,F.,Du*, Q., Jiang, Y., Xu* Y. (2016) Improving the sweet aftertaste of green tea infusion with tannase,Food Chemistry 192, 470-476. IF=3.39 

2).Xu, Y., Hu, X., Tang, P., Jiang, Y., Yuan, H.,Du Q.*, Yin, J. * (2015). The major factors influencing the formation of sediments in reconstituted green tea infusion,Food Chemistry, 772, 837-835. IF=3.39 

3).Hong, Z., Xu, Y., Yin, J., Jin, J., Jiang, Y.,Du Q.* (2014). Improving the Effectiveness of (−)-Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) against Rabbit Atherosclerosis by EGCG-Loaded Nanoparticles Prepared from Chitosan and Polyaspartic Acid,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62, 12603−12609. IF=2.91 

4).Ying, H., Liu, J.,Du, Q.* (2014). Analysis and determination of oestrogen-active compounds in fructusamomi by the combination of high-speed counter-current chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography,Journal of Chromatography B 958, 36-42. IF=2.73 

5).Ying, H., Jiang, H., Liu, H., Chen, F.,Du, Q. * (2014). Ethyl acetate–n- butanol gradient solvent system for high-speed countercurrent chromatography to screen bioactive substances in okra.Journal of Chromatography A 1359, 117-123.IF=4.17 

6).Yin, J., Zhang, Y., Du, Q.*, J. Chen, Yuan, H., Xu, Y. (2014). Effect of Ca2+ concentration on the tastes from the main chemicals in green tea infusions. Food Research International 62, 941–946. IF=2.82 

7).Xu, Y., Chen, G.-S.,Du, Q.*, Que, F., Yuan, H., Yin, J. (2014). Sediments in concentrated green tea during low-temperature storage.Food Chemistry 149, 137-143. IF=3.39 

8).Xu, Y., Zhong, X., Yin, J., Yuan, H., Tang, P.,Du, Q.* (2013) The impact of Ca2+combination with organic acids on green tea infusions.Food Chemistry 139, 944–948. IF=3.39 

9).He, M., Du, W., Du, Q., Zhang, Y., Li, B., Ke, C., Ye, Y.,Du, Q.* (2013) Isolation of the retinal isomers from the isomerization of all-trans-retinal by flash countercurrent chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 1271, 67–70. IF=4.17 

10).Qingbao Du, Q., Jiang, H., Yina, J., Xua, Y., Dua, W., Lia, B.Du, Q.* (2013) Scaling up of high-speed countercurrent chromatographic apparatus with three columns connected in series for rapid preparation of (–)-epicatechin.Journal of Chromatography A 1271, 62–66. IF=4.17 

11).Jin, Y., Qian, D.,Du, Q.* (2013) Preparation of bioactive amide compounds from black pepper by countercurrent chromatography and preparative HPLC,Industrial Crops & Products 44, 258–262. IF=2.84 

12).Li, B., Du, W., Jin, J.,Du, Q.* (2012) Preservation of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate antioxidant properties loaded in heat treated β-lactoglobulin nanoparticles.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60, 3477-3484. IF=2.91 

13).Song, G.,Du, Q. (2012) Structure characterization and antitumor activity of an α β-glucan polysaccharide from Auricularia polytricha, Food Research International 45, 381-387. IF=2.82 

14).Li, B., Du, W., Qian, D.,Du, Q.* (2012) Combination of high-speed countercurrent chromatography and reversed phase C18 chromatography for large-scale isolation of cyanidin-3-O-β-d-glucoside from black rice bran extract. Industrial Crops and Products 37, 88-92. IF=2.84 

15).Qiao, Q.,Du, Q.*, Chen, H. (2012), Identification of antioxidant compounds of Mucuna sempervirens by high-speed counter-current chromatographic separation–DPPH radical scavenging detection and their oestrogenic activity,Food Chemistry 131, 1181-1186. IF=3.39 

16).Fu, X.,Du, Q.* (2011), Uptake of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate of vegetables from plastic film Greenhouses,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, 11585-11588. IF=2.91 

17).Du, Q.* (2011) The features of rapid counter-current chromatographic separations, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 34, 2074-2084. IF=0.606 

18).Jiang Z.,Du, Q.* (2011) Glucose-lowering activity of novel tetrasaccharide glyceroglycolipids from the fruits of Cucurbita moschata,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 21, 1001-1003. IF=2.42 

19).Qiao Q.,Du, Q. * (2011) Preparation of the monomers of gingerols and 6-shogaol by flash high speed counter-current chromatography,Journal of Chromatography A 1218, 6187-90. IF=4.17 



参编: 食品中有害成分化学,化学工业出版社,2006. 


• 授权发明专利 

(1)杜琪珍.、应浩. 低醉酒度白洒的制备方法,201410165742.X, 2015年获授权。 

(2)杜琪珍.、何敏菲. 抗视觉疲劳保健品,ZL 201310238349.4, 2014年获授权。 

(3)杜琪珍, 宋广磊. 从黑木耳中分离制备β-葡聚糖的方法,ZL 2010 1 0116234.4, 2011年获授权。 

(4) 沈莲清, 张超,杜琪珍. 从个青皮中提取分离左旋-辛弗林的方法, LZ 200810121954.2, 2010年获授权。 

(5)杜琪珍,王柯,沈莲清. 从萝卜籽中分离4-甲基亚磺酰基-3-丁烯基硫代葡萄糖苷的方法ZL 2007 1 0069960.3, 2008年获授权。 

(6)杜琪珍,崔洪刚,沈莲清. 从西兰花籽中分离制备葡萄糖莱菔子苷的方法ZL 2007 1 0069958.6, 2008年获授权。 

(7)杜琪珍. 从桑椹中分离制备花色苷单体的方法ZL 2007 1 0068355.4, 2007年获授权。 

(8)杜琪珍. 从杨梅中分离制备矢车菊色素-3-葡萄糖苷的方法ZL 2007 1 0068354.X, 2007年获授权。 

(9)杜琪珍. 一种分离茶儿茶素单体的新技术,ZL 99127607.8,2004年获授权。 
