张大羽 教授 浙江省杭州临安市环城北路88号 浙江农林大学农业与食品科学学院 311300 办公电话:0571-61099521 E-mail:zhangdayu@zafu.edu.cn
l 个人简历: 博士,教授,博士后导师。浙江农林大学植物保护学科带头人。1996年至2000年任教于浙江大学。2001年至2012年任职于加拿大圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph),加拿大自然资源部和美国印第安纳大学(Indiana University)。 2013年至今任职于浙江农林大学,组建了昆虫基因组和毒理学实验室以及白蚁生物学及防治创新团队。 主要从事有害生物绿色防控、昆虫抗药性和毒理、环境毒理、昆虫基因组等方面的科研和教学工作。相关的科研成果已发表在Nature、 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Genome Research、 Genome Biology、Science、Cell Reports、Journal of Economic Entomology、Journal of Insect Physiology和Industrial Crops and Products等刊物上。
教育经历 1996-1999, 浙江大学/中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,昆虫学博士 1993-1996, 浙江农业大学昆虫学研究所,理学硕士 1989-1993, 浙江农业大学植物保护系,农学学士
工作经历 2013-至今,浙江农林大学,教授,浙江农林大学植物保护学科带头人 2006-2012,美国印第安纳大学基因组学和生物信息学中心、生物系, 研究科学家 2001-2006,加拿大圭尔夫大学和加拿大自然资源部大湖林业研究所,博士后 1996-2000,浙江农业大学/浙江大学农学院, 助教/讲师 |
l 科学研究领域
l 教学工作
l 发表论著
1. Brown JB, Boley N, Eisman R, May GE, Stoiber MH, Duff MO, Booth BW, Wen J, Park S, Suzuki AM, Wan KH, Yu C,Zhang D, Carlson JW, Cherbas L, Eads BD, Miller D, Mockaitis K, Roberts J, Davis CA, Frise E, Hammonds AS, Olson S, Shenker S, Sturgill D, Samsonova AA, Weiszmann R, Robinson G, Hernandez J, Andrews J, Bickel PJ, Carninci P, Cherbas P, Gingeras TR, Hoskins RA, Kaufman TC, Lai EC, Oliver B, Perrimon N, Graveley BR, Celniker SE. Diversity and dynamics of the Drosophila transcriptome. Nature. 2014,512(7515):393-9. (影响因子IF:31)
2. Gravele y BR, Brooks A N, Carlson J W, Duff MO, Landolin J M, Yang L, Artieri CG, van Baren MJ , Bole y N, Booth BW, Brown J B, Cherbas L, Davis CA, Dobin A, Li R, Lin W, Malone J H, Mattiuzzo NR, Miller D, Sturgill D, Tuch BB, Zaleski C,Zhang D, Blanchette M, Dudoit S, Eads B, Green RE, Hammonds A, Jiang L, Kapranov P, Langton L, Perrimon N, Sandler J E, Wan KH, Willingham A, Zhan g Y, Zou Y, Andrews J , Bickel PJ , Brenner SE, Brent MR, Cherbas P, Gingeras TR, Hoskins RA, Kaufman TC, Oliver B, Celniker SE.The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster.Nature.2011,471,473-9.(IF:31)
3. Xie Y, Yang Z, Cao D, Rong F, Ding H,Zhang D. Antitermitic and antifungal activities of eugenol and its congeners from the flower buds of Syzgium aromaticum (clove).Industrial Crops and Products.2015, 77,780-786.(通讯作者) (IF:2.87)
4. Pan C, Ruan G, Chen H,Zhang D.Toxicity of sodium fluoride to subterranean termites and leachability as a wood preservative. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 2015,73,97-102 (通讯作者) (IF:1.2)
5. Ruan G, Song X, Hu Y, Han N,Zhang D. Foraging activities of Coptotermes formosanus in subtropical areas in China.Journal of Economic Entomology. 2015,108:701-706 (通讯作者). (IF:1.5)
6. Wen J, Mohammed J, Bortolamiol-Becet D, Tsai H, Robine N, Westholm JO, Ladewig E, Dai Q, Okamura K, Flynt AS,Zhang D,Andrews J, Cherbas L, Kaufman TC, Cherbas P, Siepel A, Lai EC. Diversity of miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs across 25 Drosophila cell lines. Genome Research. 2014, 24(7):1236-50. doi: 10.1101/gr.161554.113. (IF:13.8)
7. Lee H, McManus C, Cho DY, Eaton M, Renda F, Somma M, Cherbas L, May G, Powell S,Zhang D, Zhan L, Resch A, Andrews J, Celniker SE, Cherbas P, Przytycka TM, Gatti M, Oliver B, Graveley B, MacAlpine D. DNA copy number evolution in Drosophila cell lines. Genome Biology. 2014(8):R70. (IF:10.8)
8. Zhang D, Ampasala D, Zhen g S, Cusson M, Cheng X, Krell P and Feng Q. Molecular cloning and characterization of a putative nuclear DEAD box RNA helicase in the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana.Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 2006, 61,209-219.(IF:1.5)
9. Zhang D, Zheng S, Zheng Y, Ladd TR, Pang A, Dave KG, Krell P, Arif B, Retnakaran A. and Feng Q. An Ecdysone-inducible putative DEAD box RNA helicase in the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana).Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2004, 34,273-281. (IF:3.2)
10. Cherbas L, Willingham A, Zhang D, Yang L, Zou Y, Eads BD, Carlson JW, Landolin J M, Kapranov P, Dumais J , Samsonova A, Choi J H, Roberts J , Davis CA, Tang H, van Baren MJ , Ghosh S, Dobin A, Bell K, Lin W, Lan gton L, Duff MO, Tenne y AE, Zaleski C, Brent MR, Hoskins RA, Kaufman TC, Andrews J , Graveley BR, Perrimon N, Celniker SE, Gingeras TR, Cherbas P. The transcriptional diversit y of 25 Drosophila cell lines. Genome Research. 2011, 21,301-14. (IF:13.8)
11. Ampasala DR, Zheng S,Zhang D, Ladd T, Doucet D, Krell PJ, Retnakaran A, Feng Q. An epidermis-specific chitin s ynthase CD NA in Choristoneura fumiferana: cloning, characterization, developmental and hormonal- regulated ex pression. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 2011, 76,83-96. (IF:1.5)
12. Nisole A, Stewart D, Bowman S,Zhang D, Krell PJ , Doucet D, Cusson M. Cloning and characterization of a Gasp homolog from the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana, and its putative role in cuticle formation.Journal of Insect Physiology. 2010, 56,1427-1435. (IF:2.5)
13. Zhang D, Krell P and Feng Q. Two lepidopteran cell lines stabl y transformed b y the ABC transporter gene pdr5 show tolerance to diacetox yscirpenol.In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal. 2006, 42,27-32.(IF:1.2)
14. Smibert P, Miura P, Westholm JO, Shenker S, May G, Duff MO,Zhang D, Eads BD, Carlson J, Brown JB, Eisman RC, Andrews J, Kaufman T, Cherbas P, Celniker SE, Graveley BR, Lai EC. Global Patterns of Tissue-Specific Alternative Polyadenylation in Drosophila.Cell Reports. 2012, 1,277-289. (IF:8.4)
15. The modENCODE Consortiumet al. Identification of Functional Elements and Regulatory Circuits by Drosophila modENCODE.Science. 2010,330,1787-1797. (Dayu Zhang is one of the modENCODE consortium participants, the complete list of authors appears at the end of the paper) (IF:33)
16. Hoskins RA, Landolin JM, Brown J B, Sandler J E, Takahashi H, Lassmann T, Yu C, Booth BW,Zhang D, Wan KH, Yang L, Bole y N, Andrews J , Kaufman TC, Gravele y BR, Bickel PJ, Carninci P, Carlson JW, Celniker SE. Genome-wide analysis of promoter architecture in Drosophila melanogaster.Genome Research. 2011, 21,182-192.(IF:13.8)