


李平衡,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现为环境与资源学院森林经理学科教师。2013年毕业于日本静冈大学并获博士学位。主要研究方向为定量遥感和生态模型。承担本科生《MATLAB数值计算》、《GIS设计与开发》等课程教学。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目及面上子课题、科技部973前期研究专项等3项。科研成果先后在《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》、《Ecological Indicators》等国际刊物发表SCI论文10余篇。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目子课题,41671411-1,“冠层垂向异质性对冬小麦反射光谱及理化参数遥感估算的影响研究”第一课题“冬小麦冠层多层辐射传输模型构建与反演”,24万元,2017-2020,在研,主持。
2. 国家基金委青年项目:“基于高光谱遥感的干旱区盐碱土盐分类型识别与盐分含量的精确反演”(41201373),2013-2015,主持。

1、Li, P., Zhou, G. Du, H., Lu, D., Mo L., Xu X., Shi Y., Zhou Y. Current and potential carbon stocks in moso bamboo forest in china. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 156, 89-96.
2.Li, P., Wang, Q., Developing and validating novel hyperspectral indices for leaf area index estimation: effect of canopy vertical heterogeneity. Ecological Indicators, 32, 123–130, 2013.
3.Li, P., Wang, Q., Retrieval of chlorophyll for assimilating branches of a typical desert plant through inversed radiative transfer models. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, 2402-2416, 2013.
4. Mao F, Li P, Zhou G, Du H, Xu X, Shi Y, Mo L, Zhou Y, Tu G, Development of the BIOME-BGC model for the simulation of managed Moso bamboo forest ecosystems, Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 172: 29-39.
5.Wang, Q., Li, P., Canopy vertical heterogeneity plays a critical role on reflectance simulation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 169, 111-121, 2013.
6.Wang, Q., Li, P., Maina, J.N., Chen, X., Study of How Salt Types Greatly Shape Soil Reflectance Spectra versus Salt Concentrations. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, in press, 2013.
7.Wang, Q., Li, P., Hyperspectral indices for estimating leaf biochemical properties in temperate deciduous forests: Comparison of simulated and measured reflectance data sets. Ecological Indicators, 14, 56-65, 2012.
8.Wang, Q., Li, P., Chen, X, Retrieval of soil salt content from an integrated approach of combining inversed reflectance model and regressions: an experimental study. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50, 3950-3957, 2012.
9.Wang, Q., Li, P., Chen, X., Modeling salinity effects on soil reflectance under various moisture conditions and its inverse application: a laboratory experiment. Geoderma, 170, 103-111, 2012.
10.Wang, Q., Li, P., Identification of robust hyperspectral indices on forest leaf water content using PROSPECT simulated dataset and field reflectance measurements. Hydrological Processes, 26, 1230-1241, 2012.
11.Wang, Q., Li, P., Pu, Z., Chen, X., Calibration and validation of salt-resistant hyperspectral indices for estimating soil moisture in arid land. Journal of Hydrology, 408, 276-285, 2012.
12.Ren, H., Chen, H., Li, L., Li, P., Hou, C., Wan, H., Zhang, Q., Zhang, P., Spatial and temporal patterns of carbon storage from 1992 to 2002 in forest ecosystems in Guangdong, Southern China. Plant Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1302-8, 2012.
13.Ma, Z., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Li, P., Retrieval of leaf biochemical properties from inversed PROSPECT model and hyperspectral indices: an application for Populus euphratica polymorphic leaves. Journal of Arid Land, 4, 52-62, 2012.
14.Wang, S., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Li, P., Cao, X., Identification of the best spectral indices to remotely trace the diurnal course of water use efficiency of Tamarix ramosissima in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 11-20, 2012.

