曹玉成,博士,教授,博士生导师,2012年获Lublin University of Technology博士学位,2016年入选校首届创新创业先进个人。现受聘为省“十三五”重大科技研发攻关和成果转化应用咨询专家(环境资源与生态建设组)、省“污水零直排区”建设技术组专家、省“剿灭劣V类水”首席技术顾问、省科技厅“五水共治”科技专家、省农业厅农业生态与能源技术创新推广服务团队专家、省生态经济促进会“生态智库”专家、临安区乡村振兴战略高级顾问以及绍兴、桐乡等地区“科技治水”专家。
主要从事水污染治理与生态修复、固体废弃物处理与资源化等方面的新技术研发和推广应用工作。近五年,主持省部级以上科研项目3项,承担政府采购、企事业委托等社会服务项目30余项,获人才资助项目4项。获省科学技术进步二等奖、环保部环保科技三等奖和省环保厅环保科技一等奖各1项。获授权发明专利10项,发表SCI 论文20余篇、SSCI论文2篇、EI论文1篇,其中ESI工程领域高被引论文2篇。现任Problems of Sustainable Development国际刊物编委,曾应邀担任Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等10余种国际刊物通讯审稿人。
1. 河道水质强化净化与水生态修复技术集成与工程示范,浙江省“五水共治”重大科技专项,2016-2019。
2. 河道底泥减量化资源化利用技术集成与工程示范-“河道底泥深度减量与热解资源化技术研发”,浙江省“五水共治”重大科技专项子课题,2016-2019。
3. 新一代污泥能源化成套技术研发与综合示范,科技部国际合作项目,2014-2017。
4. 城市污泥快速热解工艺及成套装备技术研发,科技部科技型中小企业创新项目,2014 -2016。
5. 造纸污泥快速热解生物油-生物炭联产技术研究,浙江省留学人员科技择优资助项目,2015-2017。
6. 农田排水生态净化关键技术研发与工程示范,浙江省“三农六方”科技协作项目,2017-2018。
1. 节能型污泥快速热解装置的研发,企业委托项目,2013-2014。
2. 污泥陶粒的可控制备及其高附加值产品的开发,企业委托项目,2016-2018。
3. 桐乡市乌镇市河生态修复工程(一期),乌镇国际旅游管委会,2015-2016。
4. 乌镇人民公园富营养化水体治理工程,桐乡乌镇镇人民政府,2016-2017。
5. 新安镇农村河道生态修复工程,德清县人民政府采购项目,2016-2017。
6. 沙河涌(兴华街道段)生态修复与景观营建示范工程,广州天河区政府采购项目,2016-2017。
7. 乌镇市河生态修复工程后期维护管理,桐乡市乌镇农经中心,2016-2017。
10. 台州市黄岩区茭白田氮磷生态拦截沟渠新技术科技示范项目,台州市黄岩区农林局,2018-2020。
11. 仙居县农田氮磷生态拦截沟渠新技术科技示范项目,台州市仙居县农业局,2018-2020。
12. 台州市椒江区氮磷生态拦截沟渠新技术科技示范项目,台州市椒江区农林局,2018-2020。
13. 温岭市氮磷生态拦截沟渠新技术科技示范项目,温岭市农林局,2018-2020。
1. Junwei Jin, Minyan Wang, Yucheng Cao, Shengchun Wu, Peng Liang, Yanan Li, Jianyun Zhang, Jin Zhang, Ming Hung Wong, Shengdao Shan, Peter Christie. Cumulative effects of bamboo sawdust addition on pyrolysis of sewage sludge: Biochar properties and environmental risk from metal, Bioresource Technology (SCI), 2017, 228: 217-226.
2. Junwei Jin, Yanan Li, Jianyun Zhang, Shengchun Wu, Yucheng Cao, Peng Liang, Jin Zhang, Ming Hung Wong, Minyan Wang, Shengdao Shan, Peter Christie Key. Influence of pyrolysis temperature on properties and environmental safety of heavy metals in biochars derived from municipal sewage sludge, Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI), 2016, 320: 417-426.
3. Jin Zhang, Minyan Wang, Shengchun Wu, Karin Müller, Yucheng Cao, Peng Liang, Zhihong Cao, Anna Oi Wah Leung, Peter Christie, Hailong Wang. Land use affects soil organic carbon of paddy soils: empirical evidence from 6280 years BP to present, Journal of Soils and Sediments (SCI), 2016, 16(3):767–776.
4. Peng Liang, Xuefei Gao, Qiongzhi You, Jin Zhang, Yucheng Cao, Chan Zhang, Ming-Hung Wong, Sheng-Chun Wu. Role of mariculture in the loading and speciation of mercury at the coast of the East China Sea, Environmental Pollution (SCI), 2016, 218: 1037-1044.
5. Peng Liang,Sheng-Chun Wu,Jin Zhang,Yucheng Cao,Shen Yu,Ming-Hung Wong. The effects of mariculture on heavy metal distribution in sediments and cultured fish around the Pearl River Delta region, south China, Chemosphere (SCI), 2016, 148: 171-177.
6. Czechowska-Kosacka.A, Yucheng Cao, Artur Pawlowski. Criteria for Sustainable Disposal of Sewage Sludge, Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska (SCI), 2015, 17(1): 337-350.
7.Peng Liang, Xinbin Feng, Chan Zhang, Jin Zhang, Yucheng Cao, Qiongzhi You, Anna Oi Wah Leung , Ming-Hung Wong , Sheng-Chun Wu. Human exposure to mercury in a compact fluorescent lamp manufacturing area: By food (rice and fish) consumption and occupational exposure, Environmental Pollution (SCI), 2015, 198: 126-132.
8.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Wojciech Cel. Sustainable Mitigation of Methane Emission by Natural Processes, Problems of Sustainable Development (SSCI), 2015, 10(1): 117-121.
9.Artur Pawłowski and Yucheng Cao. The role of CO2 in the Earth’s ecosystem and the possibility of controlling flows between subsystems, Mineral Resources Management (SCI), 2014, 30(4): 5-20.
10. Chengfang Song, Artur Pawłowski, Jianbing Ji, Shengdao Shan, Yucheng Cao (corresponding author). Catalytic pyrolysis of rice straw and product analysis, Environment Protection Engineering(SCI), 2014, 40(1): 35-40.
11. Zhu Xiaoping, Stanisław Baran, Wojciech Cel, Yucheng Cao. Sustainable approach to mitigation of CO2 emission, ECOL CHEM ENG S. (SCI), 2014, 21(4): 617-622.
12. Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Artur Pawłowski. Life cycle assessment of two emerging sewage sludge-to-energy systems: evaluating energy and greenhouse gas emissions implications, Bioresource Technology (SCI), 2013, 127: 81-91.
13. Peng Liang, Yan-Yan Qin, Chan Zhang, Jin Zhang, Yucheng Cao, Sheng-Chun Wu, Chris K.C. Wong b, Ming H. Wong. Plasma mercury levels in Hong Kong residents: In relation to fish consumption, Science of the Total Environment (SCI), 2013, 463–464: 1225-1229.
14. Yucheng Cao (corresponding author), and Ewelina Staszewska. Role of landfill cover in reducing methane emission, Archives of Environmental Protection (SCI), 2013, 39(3): 115-126.
15. Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Artur Pawłowski. Biomass as an answer to sustainable energy: Opportunity versus challenge, Environment Protection Engineering (SCI), 2013, 39: 153-161.
16.Yucheng Cao and Lucjan Pawlowski. Effect of biofuels on environment and sustainable development, ECOL CHEM ENG S. (SCI) 2014; 20(4):799-804.
17. Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Artur Pawłowski. Sewage sludge-to-energy approaches based on anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis: Brief overview and energy efficiency assessment, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI), 2012, 16: 1657- 1665.
18.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Artur Pawłowski. Energy sustainability of two parallel sewage sludge-to-energy pathways: Effect of sludge volatile solids content on net energy efficiency, Environment Protection Engineering (SCI), 2012, 38(3): 77- 87.
19.Jin Zhang, Minyan Wang, Yucheng Cao, Lianghuan Wu, Shu Xu. Iron and Zinc accumulation trend in a Japonica rice grains after anthesis, African Journal of Agricultural Research (SCI), 2012, 7: 1312- 1316.
20.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Shengdao Shan, Energy Recovery from Sewage Sludge, Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska (SCI), 2012, 14: 81-95.
21.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Lucjan Pawłowski, Lublin Experience with Co-incineration of Municipal Solid Wastes in Cement Industry, Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska (SCI), 2012,14: 132- 145.
22.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Izabela Piecuch. The Role of the State in Achieving Sustainable Development in Human Capital, Technology and Environmental Protection, Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska (SCI), 2012, 14: 314- 328.
23.Yucheng Cao* (corresponding author). Editorial for Pięćlat nowego czasopisma Problemy Ekorozwoju, Problems of Sustainable Development (SSCI),2011, 6: 7- 10.
24.Yinzi Chang, Yucheng Cao (corresponding author), Jin Zhang, et al. Purification of d-a-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) by a temperature-modulated silica gel column chromatography: Use of Taguchi method to optimize purification conditions, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (SCI), 2011, 56: 804-808.
25.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author), Artur Pawlowski, Jin Zhang. Preparation of activated carbons with enhanced adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes from Chinese Hickory husk using the Taguchi method, Environment Protection Engineering (SCI), 2010, 36: 69-87.
26.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author) and Shengdao Shan. Sustainable approach to energy recovery from sewage sludge, 2011 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications, Shanghai, China, 2011. 08.
27.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author), Artur Pawłowski, Jin Zhang, et al. Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: Sludge concentration influencing energy efficiency, 2011 International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering, Dalian, China, 2011.07.
28.Yucheng Cao (corresponding author), Artur Pawlowski, Jin Zhang. Preparation of activated carbons with enhanced adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes from Chinese Hickory husk using the Taguchi method, Environment Protection Engineering (SCI), 2010, 36: 69-87.
29.曹玉成, 张妙仙, 单胜道. MBBR处理猪场废水厌氧消化液的研究[J]. 环境工程学报, 2008, 2 (5): 591- 594.
30.曹玉成, 单胜道, 张妙仙. 膨胀蛭石吸附同步脱铵除磷的影响因素研究[J].环境科学与技术, 2009, 32 (11): 32- 36.
31.曹玉成, 张妙仙, 单胜道. 两次投加竹炭对UASB反应器污泥颗粒化的促进作用[J]. 农业工程学报(EI), 2010, 26 (5): 246- 250.
1. 畜禽养殖污物沼液生态处理装置和方法(ZL200810120398.7),发明专利,已授权,第一发明人;
2. 畜禽养殖废水综合处理方法发明专利(ZL200810120397.2),发明专利,已授权,第一发明人;
3. 一种粗竹纤维污水处理填料及其制备方法(CN103145236A),发明专利,已授权,第一发明人;
4. 污泥快速热解处理及转化物的原位利用方法(CN103172245B),发明专利,发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
5. 基于快速热解的污泥和农作物秸秆共同处理方法(CN103725304B),发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
6. 污泥综合处理及转化物的循环利用方法(CN103224315B),发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
7. 基于厌氧消化和水热碳化的污泥综合处理方法(CN103723899B),发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
8. 基于厌氧消化和水热碳化的生活垃圾综合处理方法(CN103722002B),发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
9. 基于水热碳化的生活垃圾清洁增值处理方法(CN103724056B),发明专利,发明专利,已授权,独立发明人;
10. 一种生物质炭基土壤修复剂及其制备方法(CN103351866B),发明专利,已授权,第四发明人;
11. 一种粗竹纤维污水处理填料(CN203112581U),实用新型,已授权,第一发明人。
1. 浙江省环境保护科学技术一等奖,浙江省环保厅,2011年度,排名第三。
2. 浙江省科学技术奖二等奖,浙江省人民政府,2012年度,排名第六。
3. 国家环境保护科学技术三等奖,国家环保部,2012年度,排名第四。
4. 国际埃尼奖(Eni Award)提名,意大利埃尼公司,2013年度,排名第一。
5. 浙江农林大学首届创新创业先进个人,2016年度。
6. 浙江省“千万工程”和美丽浙江建设突出贡献个人,2018年度。