研究领域:矩阵理论及其应用: 最小二乘、秩约束最佳逼近、广义逆、矩阵偏序、矩阵分解、特殊矩阵、分数阶及其应用等问题;
[1].Liu X, Li W, Wang H. Rank constrained matrix best approximation problem with respect to (skew) Hermitian matrices. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 319: 77-86.
[2].Wang H, Guo W. The minimal rank of matrix expressions with respect to Hermitian matrix-revised[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016, 353(5): 1206-1219.
[3].Wang H, Liu X. Partial orders based on core-nilpotent decomposition[J]. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2016, 488: 235-248.
[4].Wang H. Rank constrained matrix best approximation problem[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2015, 50:98-104.
[5].Wang H. Core-EP decomposition and its applications[J]. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2016, 508: 289-300.
[6].Wang H, Liu X. Characterizations of the core inverse and the core partial ordering[J]. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015, 63(9): 1829-1836.
[7].Wang H. On least squares solutions subject to a rank restriction[J]. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015, 63(2): 264-273.
[8].Li Y, Liu H, Wang H. Robust Stability and Stabilization of Interval Uncertain Descriptor Fractional-Order Systems with the Fractional-Order: The 1≤α< 2 Case[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015,1-6.(通讯作者)
[9].Wang H, Wei M,New respresentations for the Moore-Penrose inverse, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2011, 22, 720-728.
[10].Tian Y, Wang H, Characterizations of EP matrices and weighted- EP matrices[J], Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011,434, 1295–1318.
[1]. 刘晓冀,王宏兴. 矩阵偏序与矩阵分解,2016,科学出版社.
[2]. 刘晓冀,王宏兴. 矩阵线性组合的广义逆及其应用,2017,科学出版社.