担任SCI检索期刊Computers and Operations Research编委(Member of Editorial Advisory Board)。以第一作者或独著身份发表论著情况如下:专著一部(机械工业出版社)、中文期刊论文八十多篇、SCI检索的英文国际期刊论文五十七篇。根据2011年的大类分区数据,这些SCI检索期刊中包括2种国际顶级(top)期刊、1种SCI一区期刊、6种SCI二区期刊、4种SCI三区期刊和9种SCI四区期刊。根据2015年7月的检索,这些论文SCI引用次数二百七十多次。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目四项,主持广西科学基金项目三项。
1 |
Cui Y, Zhou R. Generating optimal cutting patterns for rectangular blanks of a single size. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2002, 53 (12), 1338−1346 |
2 |
Cui Y. Generating optimal T−shape cutting patterns for rectangular blanks.Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2004, 218 (B8), 857−866 |
3 |
Cui Y, Huang L, He D. Generating optimal multiple−segment cutting patterns for rectangular blanks. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2004, 218 (B11), 1483−1490 |
4 |
Cui Y. Generating optimal T−shape cutting patterns for circular blanks. Computers & Operations Research. 2005, 32 (1), 143−152 |
5 |
Cui Y. A cutting stock problem and its solution in the manufacturing industry of large electric generators. Computers & Operations Research. 2005, 32 (7), 1709−1721 |
6 |
Cui Y, Wang Z, Li J. Exact and heuristic algorithms for staged cutting problems. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2005, 219 (B2), 201−207 |
7 |
Cui Y. Dynamic programming algorithms for the optimal cutting of equal rectangles. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2005, 29 (11), 1040−1053 |
8 |
Cui Y. Generating optimal multi−segment cutting patterns for circular blanks in the manufacturing of electric motors. European Journal of Operational Research. 2006, 169 (1), 30−40 |
9 |
Cui Y, He D, Song X. Generating optimal two−section cutting patterns for rectangular blanks. Computers & Operations Research. 2006, 33 (6), 1505−1520 |
10 |
Cui Y, Huang L. Dynamic programming algorithms for generating optimal strip layouts. Computational Optimization and Applications. 2006, 33 (2−3), 287−301 |
11 |
Cui Y. Recursive algorithm for the two−dimensional cutting problem of punched strips. Engineering Computations. 2006, 23 (6), 587−596 |
12 |
Cui Y. Simplest optimal cutting patterns for equal rectangles. Operations Research Letters. 2006, 34 (6), 630−638 |
13 |
Cui Y, Chen Y, Wu J. Selecting the best sheet length for the steel stock used in circular blank production. IIE Transactions. 2006, 38 (10), 829−836 |
14 |
Cui Y, Ji J. A recursive algorithm for generating homogeneous T−shape cutting patterns. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2006, 220 (B11), 1767−1774 |
15 |
Cui Y. An exact algorithm for generating homogenous T−shape cutting patterns. Computers& Operations Research. 2007, 34 (4), 1107−1120 |
16 |
Cui Y, Wu J, Hongchao Chen. Generating multi−section silicon steel sheet cutting patterns in the manufacturing industry of electric generators. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2007, 32 (3−4), 310−314 |
17 |
Cui Y, Zhang X. Two−stage general block patterns for the two−dimensional cutting problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2007, 34 (10), 2882−2893 |
18 |
Cui Y. Exact algorithm for generating two−segment cutting patterns of punched strips. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2007, 31 (9), 1865−1873 |
19 |
Cui Y. Simple block patterns for the two−dimensional cutting problem. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2007, 45 (7−8), 943−953 |
20 |
Cui Y. Wang Q. Exact and heuristic algorithms for the circle−cutting problem in the manufacturing industry of electric motors. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 2007, 14 (1), 35−44 |
21 |
Cui Y, Zhang X, Zhang H, Zhao X. Dynamic programming algorithms for the cutting problem of equal circles. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2007, 221 (3), 387−395 |
22 |
Cui Y. An exact algorithm for generating homogeneous two−segment cutting patterns. Engineering Optimization. 2007, 39 (3), 365−380 |
23 |
Cui Y. Heuristic and exact algorithms for generating homogenous constrained three−staged cutting patterns. Computers & Operations Research. 2008, 35 (1), 212−225 |
24 |
Cui Y, Yang Y, Cheng X, Song P. A recursive branch−and−bound algorithm for the rectangular guillotine strip packing problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2008, 35 (4), 1281−1291 |
25 |
Cui Y, Gu T, Zhong Y. A recursive algorithm for the rectangular guillotine strip packing problem. Engineering Optimization. 2008, 40 (4), 347−360 |
26 |
Cui Y, Liu Z. T−shape homogenous block patterns for the two−dimensional cutting problem. Journal of Global Optimization. 2008, 41 (2), 267−281 |
27 |
Cui Y, Gu T, Hu W. Simplest optimal guillotine cutting patterns for strips of identical circles. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 2008, 15 (4), 357−367 |
28 |
Cui Y, Song X. Applying parallelogrammic strips for cutting circles from stainless steel rolls. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2008, 205 (1−3), 138−145 |
29 |
Cui Y, Gu T, Hu W. An Algorithm for the Constrained Two−Dimensional Rectangular Multiple Identical Large Object Placement Problem. Optimization Methods and Software. 2008, 23 (3), 375−393 |
30 |
Cui Y, Zhao X, Yang Y, Yu P. A heuristic for the one dimensional cutting stock problem with pattern reduction. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2008, 222 (6), 677−685 |
31 |
Cui Y, Zhang X, Wang Q. An algorithm for the two−dimensional cutting problem of punched strips with blade length constraint. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2008, 222 (11), 1443−1451 |
32 |
Cui Y, Gu T, Hu W. A cutting and inventory control problem in the manufacturing industry of stainless steel wares. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science. 2009, 37 (4), 864−875 |
33 |
Cui Y, Lu Y. Heuristic algorithm for a cutting stock problem in the steel bridge construction. Computers & Operations Research. 2009, 36 (2), 612−622 |
34 |
Cui Y, Chen F, Liu R, Liu Y, Yan X. A simple algorithm for generating optimal equal circle cutting patterns with minimum sections. Advances in Engineering Software. 2010, 41 (2), 401−403 |
35 |
Cui Y, Xu D. Strips minimization in two−dimensional cutting stock of circular items. Computers & Operations Research. 2010, 37 (4), 621−629 |
36 |
Cui Y, Yang Y. A heuristic for the one−dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftover. European Journal of Operational Research. 2010, 204 (2), 245−250 |
37 |
Cui Y, Yang Y. An algorithm for generating optimal constrained one−stage homogenous strip cutting patterns. Engineering Optimization. 2010, 42 (10), 943−957 |
38 |
Cui Y, Gu T, Hu W. A bi−objective guillotine cutting problem of stamping strips of equal circles. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2010, 87(12), 2716−2721 |
39 |
Cui Y, Liu Z. C−Sets−based sequential heuristic procedure for the one−dimensional cutting stock problem with pattern reduction. Optimization Methods and Software. 2011, 26 (1), 155−167 |
40 |
Cui Y, Huang B. A heuristic for constrained T−shape cutting patterns of circular items. Engineering Optimization. 2011, 43 (8), 867−877 |
41 |
Cui Y, Yang Y. A recursive branch−and−bound algorithm for constrained homogenous T−shape cutting patterns. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2011, 54 (5−6), 1320−1333 |
42 |
Cui Y. Extended block patterns for the two−dimensional cutting stock problem. Engineering Optimization. 2012, 44 (6), 657−672. |
43 |
Cui Y, Chen Q. Simple heuristic for the constrained two−dimensional cutting problem. Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2012, 226 (3), 565−572. |
44 |
Cui Y, Huang B. Reducing the number of cuts in generating three−staged cutting patterns. European Journal of Operational Research. 2012, 218 (2), 358−365 |
45 |
Cui Y. Fast heuristic for constrained homogenous T−shape cutting patterns. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2012, 36 (8), 3696−3711 |
46 |
Cui Y. A CAM system for one−dimensional stock cutting. Advances in Engineering Software. 2012, 47 (1), 7−16 |
47 |
Cui Y, Huang B. Heuristic for constrained T-shape cutting patterns of rectangular pieces. Computers & Operations Research. 2012, 39 (12), 3031−3039 |
48 |
Cui Y. Heuristic for two−dimensional homogeneous two−segment cutting patterns. Engineering Optimization. 2013, 45 (1), 89-105 |
49 |
Cui Y. A new dynamic programming procedure for three-staged cutting patterns. Journal of Global Optimization. 2013, 55 (2), 349–357 |
50 |
Cui Y, Yang L, Chen Q. Heuristic for the rectangular strip packing problem with rotation of items. Computers & Operations Research. 2013, 40 (4), 1094–1099 |
51 |
Cui Y, Yang L, Zhao Z, Tang T, Yin M. Sequential grouping heuristic for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with pattern reduction. International Journal of Production Economics. 2013, 144 (2), 432–439 |
52 |
Cui Y, Zhao Z. Heuristic for the rectangular two-dimensional single stock size cutting stock problem with two-staged patterns. European Journal of Operational Research. 2013, 231 (2), 288–298. |
53 |
Cui Y. Heuristic for the cutting and purchasing decisions of multiple metal coils. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science. 2014, 46, 117–125. |
54 |
Cui Y, Cui Y-P, Yang L. Heuristic for the two-dimensional arbitrary stock-size cutting stock problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2014, 78, 195–204. |
55 |
Cui Y, Zhong C, Yao Y. Pattern-set generation algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with setup cost. European Journal of Operational Research. 2015, 243 (2), 540–546. |
56 |
Cui Y, Cui Y-P, Zhao Z. Pattern set generation algorithm for the one-dimensional multiple stock sizes cutting stock problem. Engineering Optimization. 2015, 47 (9), 1289–1301. |
57 |
Cui Y, Yao Yi, Cui Y-P. Hybrid approach for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with two-staged patterns. International Transactions in Operational Research. Accepted. |
58 |
Cui Y-P, Cui Y, Tang T, Hu W. Heuristic for constrained two-dimensional three-staged patterns. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2015, 66 (4), 647–656 |
59 |
Cui Y-P, Cui Y, Tang T. Sequential heuristic for the two-dimensional bin-packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2015, 240 (1), 43–53 |
60 |
Chen Q, Cui Y, Chen Y. Sequential value correction heuristic for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with 3-staged homogenous patterns. Optimization Methods and Software. Accepted |