



高英志,1973 3 月生,汉族,男,双博士,教授,博士生导师,天池特聘教授,教育部新世纪人才。现就任于东北师范大学植被生态教育部重点实验室。主要从事生理生态学、全球变化生态学和草地生态学研究工作,特别关注全球气候变化条件下草地地下生态学过程和地上/地下信号传导的研究,近期也重点关注农作物和牧草间套作的增产机制的研究。共承担国际合作项目3项,其中国际人才培养计划2 项,国际科学研究项目1 项;国家自然科学基金6 项,国家重点

研发计划子课题1 项,教育部新世纪人才支持计划1 项,省科技厅项目4 项,人力资源和社会保障部项目2 项,教育部项目2 项,参与973 项目2 项,国际重大合作项目1 项。发表学术论文100 余篇,其中SCI 50 余篇(第一或通信作者SCI 论文36 篇,30 篇超过学科平均影响因子。其中包括发表在Ecological Monographs, Global Change Biology, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Soil Biology & Biochemistry Plant and Soil 等顶级刊物中的文章,中文单篇最高引用次数达500 ,英文单篇最高引用次数为220 次,文章总因频次2600 次以上,H-Index 27);撰写专著1 部,参编著作2 部;获省科技进步奖一等奖1 项,三等奖1 ,发明专利2 项。


1994.09-1998.07 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,学士

1998.09-2001.06 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,硕士

2001.09-2004.06 中国科学院植物研究所,博士

2004.07-2007.07 德国基尔大学农业学院,博士


2007.08-2013.12 东北师范大学生命科学学院,生态学副教授,博导

2014.01-至今 东北师范大学生命科学学院,生态学教授,博导


中国植物营养与肥料学会生物学专业委员会  委员

中国草学会青年工作委员会  理事

吉林省草原学会  秘书长

吉林省土壤学会  理事

长春市科技评估中心  咨询专家

应用生态学报  编委






盛连喜, 何春光, 杨海军, 高英志. 伊通河河道生态修复技术及工程示范, 吉林省科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖

李志坚, 杨海军, 王德利, 魏春雁, 高英志. 松原罗布麻新品种选育及盐碱地栽培技术, 吉林省科学技术发明奖三等奖

高英志, 乔纳森.林奇. 水分亏缺条件下玉米通过减少冠根数提高水分获取, 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖


讲授本科生和国际合作研究生项目课程,承担国家级精品课程《基础生态学》主讲任务。积极参与生科院野外实习研究工作和本科生教学实习工作。近年来已培养国际合作研究生14 名,国内硕士研究生18 名,毕业博士研究生6 名,在读硕士研究生11 名,在读博士研究生6


1/豆间作提高水分高效利用的根系种间竞争与互补机理. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023-202654 万,主持

2干旱对草原生态系统土壤碳氮矿化的影响机制:全球联网实验研究. 国家科技计划项目国家重点研发计划(2020-202365 万,主持

3大兴安岭林草交错带农牧业发展的生态影响调查与评估. 环保部生物多样性保护重大工程专项任务(2019-201980 万,主持

4 北方农牧交错区草地资源分布时空格局与植物生长需求的匹配关系. 国家重点研发计划(2016-202070 万,主持

5 混合放牧对松嫩草甸草原根系生产和周转过程及土壤碳通量影响的研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2019-202267 万,主持

6 薰衣草/紫花苜蓿间作提高氮素固定和转移的根土互作机理. 国家自然科学基金新疆联合基金(2019-2021),20 万,联合申请人

7 玉米/紫花苜蓿间作提高磷素利用的根土互作机理. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-202068万,主持

8 边际化土地的利用潜力: 粮食生产与生态安全. 德国学术交流和德国教育部联合项目(2013-201730 万,主持

9 玉米和苜蓿间作增产机制研究. 教育部新世纪人才支持计划(2014-201650 万,主持

10羊草耐盐抗牧的根茎整合和糖分子信号调控机制. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2013-201681万,主持

11 从植物整体角度上中国东北草地的恢复. 霍恩海姆大学(德)(2011-201329 万,负责人

12 松嫩草地植物群落根系动态及光合产物分配对降雨和增温的响应机制. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2010-201230 万,主持

13 洲际工作网络-脆弱草原生态系统对气候变化的适应机制(中国-阿根廷-肯尼亚-德国). 德国学术交流中心(DAAD)项目(2009-2013360 万,中方负责人

14 抗逆优质紫花苜蓿新品种选育与良种繁育关键技术研究及产业化示范. 吉林省科技厅吉林省十大科技攻关项目(2012-2015100 万,参加

15松嫩平原草地资源保护与利用研究.科技部973 基础专项(2012-2014115 万,参加


1 Abile Teshita, Feng YY, Qian R, Wang XY, Waqif Khan, Gao YZ*. 2023. Alfalfa and maize intercropping enhances soil nematode structure and food web complexity in low-nitrogen soils. Applied Soil Ecology, (IF=5.509)

2 Ning QS, Hättenschwiler S, Lü XT, Kardol P, Zhang YH, Wei CZ, Xu CY, Huang JH, Li A, Yang JJ, Wang J, Peng Y, Peñuelas J, Sardans J, He JZ, Xu ZH, Gao YZ*, Han XG*. 2021.Carbon limitation overrides acidification in mediating soil microbial activity to nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland. Global Change Biology, (IF= 10.83)

3 Sun H, Zheng CC, Chen TP, Postma JA, Gao YZ*. 2021. Motherly care: How Leymus chinensis ramets support their offspring exposed to saline-alkali and clipping stresses. Science of the Total Environment, (IF= 7.96)

4 Tao DX, Chen TP, Luo Y, Wu HH, Wang XY, Wang J, Gao YZ*. 2021. Belowground net primary productivity and biomass allocation in response to different restoration measures in a salt-alkali-degraded Songnen meadow. Ecological Indicators, 2021.108038. (IF= 4.96)

5 Luo Y, Wang XY, Cui M, Wang J, Gao YZ*. 2021. Mowing increases fine root production and root turnover in an artificially restored Songnen grassland. Plant and Soil, 465: 549-561. (IIF= 4.19)

6 Sun BR, Gao YZ*, Wu X, Ma HM, Zheng CC, Wang XY, Zhang HL, Li ZJ, Yang HJ. 2020. The relative contributions of pH, organic anions, and phosphatase to rhizosphere soil phosphorus mobilization and crop phosphorus uptake in maize/alfalfa polyculture. Plant and Soil, 447: 117-133. (IF= 4.19)

7 Wang XY, Gao YZ*, Zhang HL, Shao ZQ, Gao Q. 2020. Enhancement of rhizosphere citric acid and decrease of NO3−/NH4+ ratio by root interactions facilitate N fixation and transfer. Plant and Soil, 447: 169-182. (IF= 4.19)

8 Zhang HL, Wang XY, Gao YZ*, Sun BR. 2020. Short-term N transfer from alfalfa to maize is dependent more on arbuscular mvcorrhizal fungi than root exudates in N deficient soil. Plant and Soil, 446: 23-41. (IF= 4.19)

9 Guo J, Gao YZ*, David M. Eissenstat, He CG*, Sheng LX. 2020. Belowground responses of woody plants to nitrogen addition in a phosphorus-rich region of northeast China. Trees, 34(1): 143-154. (IF= 2.53)

10 Ma HM, Zheng CC, Gao YZ*, Baskin CC, Sun H, Yang HJ. 2020. Moderate clipping stimulates over-compensatory growth of Leymus chinensis under saline-alkali stress through high allocation of biomass and nitrogen to shoots. Plant Growth Regulation, 92: 95-106. (IF=3.41)

11 Shao ZQ, Wang XY, Gao Q*, Zhang HL, Yu HL, Wang Y, Zhang JJ, Nasar J, Gao YZ*. 2020. Root contact between maize and alfalfa facilitates nitrogen transfer and uptake using techniques of foliar 15N-Labeling. Agronomy, doi: 10.3390/agr-onomy10030360. (IF= 3.42)

12 Nasir F, Shi SH, Tian L, Chang CL, Ma LN, Li XJ, Gao YZ*, Tian CJ*. 2019. Strigolactones shape the rhizomicrobiome in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Science, 286: 118-133. (IF= 4.73)

13 Sun BR, Gao YZ*, Yang HJ, Zhang W, Li ZJ. 2019. Performance of alfalfa rather than maize stimulates system phosphorus uptake and overyielding of maize/alfalfa intercropping via changes in soil water balance and root morphology and distribution in a light chernozemic soil. Plant and Soil, 439: 145-161. (IF= 4.96)

14 Wang J, Gao YZ*, Zhang YH, Yang JJ, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Eissenstat DM, Han XG*. 2019. Asymmetry in above- and belowground productivity responses to N addition in a semiarid temperate steppe. Global Change Biology, 00:1–12. (IF= 10.83)

15 Wang L, Gao YZ*, Han BP, Fan HJ, Yang HJ*. 2019. The impacts of agriculture on macroinvertebrate communities: From structural changes to functional changes in Asia's cold region streams. Science of the Total Environment, 676: 155-164. (IF= 7.96)

16 Zhang HX*, Gao YZ*, Tasisa BY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Lu XT, Zhou DW. 2019. Divergent responses to water and nitrogen addition of three perennial bunchgrass species from variously degraded typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Science of the Total Environment, 647: 1344-1350. (IF= 7.96)

17 Zheng CC, Ma HM, Gao YZ*, Sun H, Yang HJ, Carol C. Baskin. 2019. The clonal grass Leymus chinensis overcomes salt stress by over-compensatory growth of individual ramets. Crop& Pasture Science, 70(11): 1004-1014. (IF= 2.27)

18 Sun BR, Gao YZ*, Lynch JP*. 2018. Large crown root number improves topsoil foraging and phosphorus acquisition. Plant Physiology, 177: 90-104. (IF= 6.23)

19 Diabate B, Wang XY, Gao YZ*, Yu PJ, Wu ZF, Zhou DW, Yang HJ. 2018. Tillage and haymaking practices speed up belowground net productivity restoration in the degraded Songnen grassland. Soil Tillage Research, 175: 62-70. (IF= 3.40)

20 Nasir F, Tian L, Chang CL, Li XJ, Gao YZ*, Tran LP*, Tian CJ*. 2017. Current understanding of pattern-triggered immunity and hormone-mediated defense in rice (Oryza sativa) in response to Magnaporthe oryzae infection. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 83: 95-105. (IF= 6.61)

21 Guo J, Jiang HB, Bian HF, Sheng LX, He CG*, Gao YZ*. 2017. Natural succession is a feasible approach for cultivated peatland restoration in Northeast China. Ecological

Engineering, 104: 39-44. (IF= 2.91)

22 Gao YZ, Lynch JP*. 2016. Reduced crown root number improves water acquisition under water deficit stress in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(15): 4545-4557. (IF= 5.83)

23 Guo J, Jiang HB, Bian HF, He CG*, Gao YZ*. 2016. Effects of hydrologic mediation and plantation of Carex schmidtii Meinsh on peatland restoration in China's Changbai Mountain region. Ecological Engineering, 96: 187-193. (IF= 2.91)

24 Sun BR, Peng Y, Yang HY, Li ZJ*, Gao YZ*, Wang C, Yan YL, Liu YM. 2014. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)/Maize (Zea mays L.) intercropping provides a feasible way to improve yield and economic incomes in farming and pastoral areas of Northeast China. PLoS ONE, 9(10): e110556. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110556. (IF= 3.23)

25 Gao YZ, Giese M, Brueck H, Yang HJ, Li ZJ*. 2013. The relation of biomass production with leaf traits varied under different land-use and precipitation conditions in an Inner Mongolia steppe. Ecological Research, 28(6): 1029-1043. (IF= 1.51)

26 Gao YZ, Giese M, Gao Q, Brueck H, Sheng LX, Yang HJ*. 2013. Community level offset of rain use- and transpiration efficiency for a heavily grazed ecosystem in Inner Mongolia grassland. PLoS ONE, 8(9): 10.1371/journal.pone.0074841. (IF= 3.23)

27 Zhang NY, Guo R, Song P, Guo JX, Gao YZ*. 2013. Effects of warming and nitrogen deposition on the coupling mechanism between soil nitrogen and phosphorus in Songnen Meadow Steppe, northeastern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 65: 96-104. (IF= 4.86)

28 Giese M, Brueck H, Gao YZ*, Lin S, Steffens M, Knabner I, Glindemann T, Susenbeth A, Taube F, Bahl K, Zheng XH, Hoffmann C, Bai YF, Han XG. 2013. Nitrogen balance and cycling of Inner Mongolia typical steppe: a case study of grazing effects and variable rainfall. Ecological Monographs, 83(2): 195-219. (IF= 8.76)

29 Gao YZ, Chen QLin S*, Giese M, Brueck H. 2011. Resource manipulation effects on net primary production, biomass allocation and rain-use efficiency of two semiarid grassland sites in Inner Mongolia, China. Oecologia, 165: 855-864. (IF= 3.09)

30 Gao YZ, Giese M, Han XG, Wang DL, Zhou ZY, Brueck H, Lin S, Taube F*. 2009. Land use and drought interactively affect interspecific competition and species diversity at the local scale in a semiarid steppe ecosystem. Ecological Research, 24: 627-635. (IF= 1.51)

31 Gao YZ, Giese M, Lin S, Taube F, Brueck H*. 2008. Belowground net primary productivity and biomass allocation of a grassland in Inner Mongolia as affected by grazing intensity. Plant and Soil, 307: 41-50. (IF= 3.05)

32 Gao YZ, Wang SP*, Han XG, Chen QS, Zhou ZY, Patton BD. 2007. Defoliation, nitrogen and competition: Effects on plant growth and biomass allocation of Cleistogenes squarrosa and Artemisia frigida. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170: 115-122. (IF= 1.67)

33 Gao YZ*, Han XG*, Wang SP, Patton BD, Nyren PE. 2005. Competition between Artemisia frigida and Cleistogenes squarrosa under different clipping intensities in diallel replacement series mixtures at different nitrogen levels. Grass and Forage Science, 60: 119-127. (IF=1.81)

34 陶冬雪, 高英志. 2023. 土壤解磷微生物促进植物磷素吸收策略研究进展. 生态学报, 11:1-10.

35 钱芮, 段新宇, 杨海军, 冯媛媛, 徐网谷, 渠畅, 王智, 李贵才, 李昂, 高英志. 2022. 大兴安岭林草交错带草地退化成因分析及其应对对策. 中国科学: 生命科学, 52: 1-14.

36 段新宇, 钱芮, 黄学文, 徐网谷, 王智, 吴红慧, 高英志. 2022. 大兴安岭森林草原过渡带典型植物群落动态变化特征. 生态学报, 42(20): 8374-8384.

37 李艳君, 高英志. 2022. 玉米/紫花苜蓿间作和不同施肥方式对玉米光合特性的影响. 东北师大学报(自然科学版), 54(01): 119-125.

38 陶冬雪, 胡娟, 高英志, 周道玮. 2021. 吉林西部一年两茬种植模式的作物产量及经济效益研究.土壤与作物, 10(02): 221-229.

39 王新宇, 高英志. 2020. 禾本科/豆科间作促进豆科共生固氮机理研究进展. 科学通报, 65: 142-141.

40 高英志, 冯媛媛, 韩博平, 何春光,张晓顺. 2020. 以洞察力,思考力培养创新型研究生的核心竞争力. 教育教学论坛, 51: 96-99.  


高英志著. 2013. 中国北方草原根系研究方法及案例分析。吉林科学技术出版社.

李文华, 王德利, 高英志等著. 2013. 中国当代生态学研究. 生态系统恢复卷. 科学出版社.

王德利, 郭继勋, 高英志等著. 2019. 松嫩盐碱化草地的恢复理论与技术. 科学出版社.


高英志, 何春光, 周道玮. 一种重度盐碱化草地的治理方法. ZL201510025805.6

郭静, 何春光, 高英志, 姜海波, 盛连喜, 王忠强. 一种臌囊薹草移栽快速恢复泥炭沼泽植被的方法. ZL201510005194.9