钟立新、浙江德清人、博士、教授 、金融工程系主任。
2004年-2007年 浙江大学,复杂网络动力学和金融市场博弈研究,博士毕业.
2005年 香港中文大学,合作研究复杂系统动力学和复杂网络模型。
2006年-2009年 杭州电子科技大学,产业集群网络,金融市场关联网络,博弈系统模型研究.
2009年-现在 浙江财经大学,计算金融方向带头人,金融学,金融工程,计算金融,银行管理,国际金融,风险管理等教学和研究。
[1]Coupled dynamics of mobility and pattern formation in optional public goods games. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 47(2013)18-26.
[2]Coupled effects of market impact and asymmetric sensitivity in financial markets. Physica A 392(2013)2139–2149.
[3]Limitaion of network inhomogeneity in improving cooperation in coevolutionary dynamics, Physica A 391(2012)2322-2329.
[4]Dynamics of bid-ask spread return and volatility of the Chinese stock market, Physica A 391 (2012) 2656-2666.
[5] The price impact asymmetry of institutional trading in the Chinese stock market. Physica A 391(2012)2667-2677.
[6]Time scales of epidemic spread and risk perception on adaptive networks, Europhys.Lett. 94 (2011) 18004.
[7]Memory effect and multifractality of cross-correlations in financial markets, Physica A 390 (2011) 828-836.
[8]Effects of attachment preferences on coevolution of opinions and networks, Physica A 389 (2010) 2557-2565.
[9]Cooperation in the snowdrift game on directed small-world networks under self-questioning and noisy conditions, Computer Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 2057–2062.
[10]Effects of dynamic response time in an evolving market, Physica A388 (2009) 673-681.
[11]Statistical properties of trading volume of Chinese stocks, Physica A388 (2009) 2427-2434.
通信地址:杭州下沙高教园区学源街18号浙江财经大学金融学院,310018 金融学院楼408室