



联系电话:0731-58291433 Email:zhhpeng@hnust.edu.cn


时间 毕业学校 学历
1999年09月-2003年06月 北京理工大学应用物理系 大学本科
2003年09月-2006年03月 北京理工大学凝聚态物理 硕士研究生
2010年09月-2013年06月 湖南师范大学理论物理 博士研究生
时间 工作单位 职称
2006年04月-2008年12月 湖南科技大学物理学院 助教
2008年12月-2015年12月 湖南科技大学物电学院 讲师
2015年12月-至今 湖南科技大学物电学院 副教授







[1] Zhao-Hui Peng, Le-Man Kuang, Jian Zou, Yu-Qing Zhang, Xiao-Juan Liu, Quantum controlled-not gate in the bad cavity regime, Quantum Information Processing,14,2833-2846, 2015 

[2] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Optimal entanglement concentration via photonic Faraday rotation in cavity QED, Optics Communications, 313, 365-368, 2014

[3] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Construction of general quantum channel for quantum teleportation, Quantum Information Processing, 12, 2803-2811, 2013 cited times:1

[4] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, Yong-Jun Xiao, and Le-Man Kuang, Atomic and photonic entanglement concentration via photonic Faraday rotation, Physical Review A, 86, 034305, 2012 cited times:11

[5] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Xiao-Juan Liu, and Le-Man Kuang, Teleportation of atomic and photonic states in low-Q cavity QED, Optics Communications, 285, 5558-5563, 2012 cited times: 1

[6] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, and Xiao-Juan Liu, Perfect quantum information processing with Dicke-class state, European Physical Journal D, 58, 403-407, 2010 cited times:3

[7] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, and Xiao-Juan Liu, Scheme for implementing efficient quantum information processing with multiqubit W-class state in cavity QED, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41, 065505, 2008 cited times:20

[8] Zhao-Hui Peng and Chun-Xia Jia, Scheme for implementing perfect quantum dense coding with three-atom W-class state in cavity QED, Optics Communications, 281, 1745-1750, 2008 cited times:7

[9] Zhao-Hui Peng, Chun-Xia Jia, and Jun-Gang Li, Scheme for implementing perfect quantum teleportation with non-maximally entangled W-class state in cavity QED, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 50, 375-378, 2008

[10] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, and Bin Shao,The transfer of the quantum correlation from two-mode nonclassical field to the supercurrents in two distant SQUID rings, Chinese Physics, 16, 2569-2577, 2007 cited times:7

[11] Zhao-Hui Peng, Jian Zou, Bin Shao, and Jin-Fang Cai, Correlation of Supercurrents in Two Distant Mesoscopic Squid Rings in the presence of Two-Mode Nonclassical Field, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 19, 1965-1971, 2005