



联系电话:0731-58290848     E-mail:lfliu1@hnust.cn 


1、1995.09-1999.06   湘潭大学,物理学类材料物理方向,获学士学位;

2、1999.09-2002.06   湘潭大学、中国科学院力学所,凝聚态物理,获硕士学位;

3、2002.09-2006.12   中国科学院力学所,固体力学,获博士学位;

4、2007.04-          湖南科技大学从事材料科学与工程教学科研工作。










5. 2010.04至2011.12:《摩擦焊接技术应用开发及液压油缸安全性分析》,中联湖南特力液压有限公司委托项目,10万,主持

6. 2012.04至今:《液压油缸安全维护系统》,中联湖南特力液压有限公司委托项目,20万,主持

四、发表论文、著作 :


1. L.F. Liu, J. Yang, J. Hu, H.Q. Li, S.B. Guo, Effect of hydrostatic pressure on shear banding behaviors in bulk metallic glasses, Materials Letters, 2013, 93: 289-292.

2. 刘龙飞, 胡静, 蔡志鹏, 李会强, 郭世柏, 张光业, 影响金属玻璃中剪切带行为的微观机制, 固体力学学报, 2012, 33(1):69-74.

3. L.F. Liu, Z.P.Cai, H.Q. Li, S.B.Guo, G.Y. Zhang, The correlation between the pressure sensitivity and the fragility/glass transition temperature in bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2011, 357: 3033-3035.

4. Liu Longfei, Cai Zhipeng, Li Huiqiang, Zhang Guangye, Guo Shibo, Critical Free Volume Concentration of Shear Banding Instability in Metallic Glasses; Chinese Physics Letters, 2011,3:036201.

5. Longfei Liu, Jing Hu, Huiqiang Li and Guangye Zhang, Experimental study on the effect of normal stress on the shear banding in a Zr-based bulk metallic glasses; Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 146-147:424-428.

6. L.F. Liu, H.A. Zhang, H.Q. Li and G.Y. Zhang,Nanoscale morphologies on the fracture surface of bulk metallic glasses in the supercooled liquid region;Scripta Materialia, 2009, 60:795-798.

7. L.F. Liu,H. A. Zhang C. Shi. Sliding Tribological Characteristics of a Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Near the Glass Transition Temperature;Tribology Letter, 2009, 33:205-210.

8. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, Y.L. Bai, F.J. Ke, Comparison of shear banding in BMGs due to thermal-softening and free volume creation,Science in China Series G,2008, 51(9), 1367-1379.

9. LIU Long-Fei, DAI Lan-Hong, BAI Yi-Long, A Modified Free Volume Model for Characterizing of Rate Effect in Bulk Metallic Glasses, Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25(3):1052-1055.

10. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, Y.L. Bai, B.C. Wei, J. Eckert, Charaterization of rate-dependent shear behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glass using shear-punch testing, Journal of Materials Research, 2006, 21(1):153-160.

11. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, Y.L. Bai, B.C. Wei, Initiation and propagation of shear bands in Zr-based bulk metallic glass under quasi-static and dynamic loadings, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005, 351: 3259-3270.

12. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai,Y.L. Bai, B.C. Wei, J.Eckert, Behavior of multiple shear bands in Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 93:174-177.

13. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, Y.L. Bai, B.C. Wei, G.S. Yu. Strain rate-dependent compressive deformation behavior of Nd-based bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics, 2005,13:827-832.

14. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, G.W. Yang, Strain gradient effects on deformation strengthening behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix composites, Materials Science & Engineering, 2003, A345:190-196.

15. L.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, G.W. Yang, Effect of reinforcing- particle size on the formation of microbands in SiCp/6151Al metal matrix composites, Journal of Material Science Letter, 2001, 20:2097-2098.