


梁伟 博士,副教授,美国里海大学公派访问学者,湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院物联网系教师,湖南科技大学计算机网络与嵌入式研究所副所长,近年来一直从事信息安全、集成电路设计以及嵌入式系统等研究与开发工作,主持和参与完成过包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、973子项、湖南省自然科学基金项目与湖南省教育厅科学研究重点等研究项目12项。获得国家授权发明专利5项与软件著作登记权5项,指导学生获得国家级的竞赛奖项3项以及挑战杯等省级竞赛的奖项5项,其中2013年7月指导学生以“基于VLSI的电路知识产权保护系统”获得第六届全国大学生信息安全竞赛“一等奖”。近年来,在国内外发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI、EI收录的期刊论文20余篇。主讲过研究生和本科生的《数字系统设计》、《嵌入式系统设计》、《信息隐藏与水印技术》以及《大规模集成电路设计》等课程。

欢迎计算机、电子、数学等专业的同学报考!E-MAIL:idlink@163.com; wliang@hnust.edu.cn


1)国家自然科学青年基金项目“超大规模集成电路中低功耗双重芯核水印技术研究”,项目编号:6120246, 2013.01-2015.12,项目主持人,(在研)。




5)湖南省教育厅教研教改课题“教育部-英特尔大学合作计划下的嵌入式课程教学改革与实践” ,项目编号:2011GK3156,2012.01-2015.03,项目主持人,(已完成)。


7)湖南省湘潭市科技局科技计划项目“基于SOC的实时图像水印系统研究”,项目编号:ZJ20111002, 2011.01-2013.09,项目主持人,(已完成)。


1) 梁伟,徐建波,盛勇,赵博文,钱鑫。“一种基于零知识证明协议的芯核水印盲检测方法”(国家发明专利申请号201310473868.9,公开号:CN104624561 A)。

2)张大方,梁伟,尤志强,黎文伟,呼彦吉。“一种基于FPGA技术的可恢复双重芯核水印认证方法”(国家发明专利申请号201310193749.8,公开号:CN103226674 A)。

3)梁伟,徐建波, 曾荣今,李伟仪,周航,龙静,陈艳飞,林泽然。“智能车载倾覆检测远程求救装置”(国家发明专利申请号:ZL200910043639.7,授权号:CN201410925 Y)。

5)徐建波,梁伟,朱理望。“具有安全防犯报警功能的智能窗帘”(国家发明专利授权号:ZL20102 0171058.X)。



1)梁伟,徐建波,龙静。“文件安全传输管理软件”(国家软件著作登记号:2011R11 L123980)。


3)徐建波,梁伟,蔡国安。“多媒体彩色图像可见水印软件”(国家软件著作登记号:2011R11 L141096)。



1)Wei Liang, Xm Sun, Zhihua Xia, Jing Long. A Chaotic IP Watermarking in Physical Layout Level Based on FPGA. Radioengineering, 2011 Vol.20 No.1: pp 118-125. (国外SCI/EI检索期刊).

2)Wei Liang, Xm Sun, Zhiqiang Ruan, Jing Long .A Sequential Circuit-Based IP Watermarking Algorithm for Multiple Scan Chains in Design-for-Test. Radioengineering, 2011 Vol.20 No.2: pp 533-538.  (国外SCI/EI检索期刊).

3)Wei Liang, Dafang Zhang, Zhiqiang Ruan, Jing Long. A IP Watermarking Scheme Based on Self-recovery of Secret Information. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2014 Vol.11 No.8: p 1727-1731. (国外SCI/EI检索期刊).

4)Wei Liang, Jing Long, Aijiao Cui, Xiong Li,.A Robust Dual IP Watermarking Algorithm based on Bitfile. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2014 Vol.13 No.9: pp876-883. (国外SCI/EI检索期刊).

5)Wei Liang, Dafang Z, Yanbiao Li, Jing Long ,Xiong Li. An IP Protection Algorithm by Watermarking Multiple Scan Chains based on Minimum Correlation Degree of Vectors. 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications 2013.11 zhang jiajie. (EI收录). (CCF推荐EI会议).

6)Wei Liang, Dafang Z, Zhiqiang You, Osama Hosam. A Survey of Techniques for VLSI IP Protection. Information Technology Journal. 2013 Vol.12 No.12: pp 2324-2332. (国外EI收录期刊).

7)Wei Liang, Xm Sun, Zhiqiang Ruan. The Design and FPGA Implementation of FSM-based IP Watermark Algorithm at Behavioral Level. Information Technology Journal. 2011 Vol.10 No.4: pp 870-876. (国外EI收录期刊).

8)Wei Liang, Jian-Bo XU, Yuan-Yuan Liu. Towards Energy Saving and load balancing Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks. Information Technology Journal, 2011, Vol.10 No.2: pp 409-415. (国外EI收录期刊).

9)Wei Liang, Jian-Bo XU, Jing Long. A High-capacity Lossless Algorithm for Watermarking Binary Images. Research Journal of Information Technology, 2011, Vol.3 No4: pp 229-236. (国外EI收录期刊).

10)Aijiao Cui,Wei Liang,Qu Gang. “A Low-overhead Dynamic Watermarking Scheme on Scan Design for Easy Authentication”in Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, in Melbourne, Australia, June 2014. (EI收录). (CCF推荐EI收录会议).

11)Zhiqiang Ruan, Wei Liang, Decai Sun and Fanyong Cheng An Efficient and Lightweight Source Privacy Protecting Scheme for Sensor Networks using Group Knowledge .International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013 Vol.12 No.1: pp 26-34.(国外SCI/EI收录期刊).

12)Ruan, Zhiqiang, Sun, Xingming, Wei Liang.Securing sensor data storage and query based on k-out-of-n coding. International Journal of Communication Systems, v 26, n 5, p 549-566, May 2013. (国外SCI/EI收录期刊)

13)Bo Liao, Yan Jiang, Wei Liang, Wen Zhu, Lijun Cai, Zhi Cao. Gene selection using locality sensitive Laplacian score, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2014,11(6):1146-1156.(国外SCI/EI收录期刊). (CCF推荐SCI期刊).

14)Xiong Li, Jianwei Liu, Yazhi Liu, Wei Liang. Robust dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards . International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. v 17, n 4, p 254-264 (CCF推荐SCI期刊).

15)Xia-an Bi, Da-fang Zhang, Wei Liang, and Hong Qiao. Processor coalition algorithm for virtual routers on a multiprocessor system. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2012, Vol.4 No5: pp 191-198. (国外EI收录期刊).

16)Xiong Li, Jianwei Liu, Yazhi Liu, Junguo Liao, Wei Liang. Cryptanalysis of a dynamic identity based remote user authentication scheme with verifiable password update. International Journal of Communication Systems, (国外SCI/EI收录期刊). (CCF推荐SCI期刊)

17)Xiong Li, Jianwei Liu, Yazhi Liu, Junguo Liao, Wei Liang. An Enhancement of a Smart Card Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Architecture. Wireless Personal Communications, August 19, 2014 (国外SCI/EI收录期刊). (CCF推荐SCI期刊)

18)Xiong Li, Jianwei Liu, Yazhi Liu, Junguo Liao, Wei Liang. Robust biometrics based three-factor remote user authentication scheme with key agreement. International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies 2013(ISBAST 2013), (国外EI收录期刊).

19)Osama Hosam,Lincong Yang,Wei Liang,Xingming Sun. Watermarking 3D Triangular Mesh with High Visual Quality . International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications .Volume 4, Number 4, July 2010 (国外EI 收录期刊).

20)Li Yanbiao, Zhang Dafang, Wei Liang Long Jing; Qiao Hong. Accelerate NDN name lookup using FPGA: Challenges and a scalable approach. 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2014,  October 16, 2014. (CCF推荐C类EI会议).

21) Li Yanbiao , Zhang Dafang, Long Jing, Wei Liang. From GPU to FPGA: A pipelined Hierarchical approach to fast and memory-efficient NDN name lookup. 2014 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2014, p 106, July 21, 2014. (CCF推荐C类EI会议).

22) 梁伟,张大方,龙静,李雄,盛勇.适用于大规模集成电路知识产权保护的自恢复双重芯核水印方法.小型微型计算机系统.2014.10 (CSCD核心期刊).