2003年9月考入中国科学院金属研究所国家材料实验室攻读博士学位,师从于国内著名磁学专家张志东教授。近年来主要从事金属化合物的磁性、电性、及磁热效应研究。2006年在韩国国家科学研究院薄膜中心做博士后研究,从事金刚石薄膜的制备及表征。2016年受国家留学基金委公派在美国的凯斯西储大学物理系做访问学者,主要从事低维半导体材料的电性测量。已发表SCI、EI检索论文50余篇。为国际著名杂志Advanced Materials 及Advanced Functional Materials等杂志磁致冷方向审稿人。教学上主要从事大学物理及大学生创新课程教学。目前已培养毕业硕士研究生15名,正在培养5名,多人获得学业奖学金,国家奖学金,及校级优秀硕士论文奖励。
2003/09 – 2006/12,中国科学院金属研究所,沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室磁学部,工学博士。
1999/09 – 2002/03,沈阳工业大学,材料系,工学硕士。
1990/09 – 1994/07,北方交通大学,物理系,理学学士。
2016.2-2017.2 美国凯斯西储大学物理系,国家公派访问学者(主要从事二维纳米材料的制备及电学性质测量)。
2. 一种具有高效室温磁致冷性能的片状La(Fe, Si)13基氢化物块体的高气压合成方法。专利号:ZL201510819969.6,第一申请人。
1. 国家自然科学面上基金项目(主持),高性能层状纤维结构La(Fe,Si)13氢化物的综合磁热效应研究(521711870),2022/01-2025/12。
2. 白云鄂博稀土资源研究与综合利用国家重点实验室开放课题:(主持)La/Ce(FeMnSi)13Hx 合金块体力学及腐蚀性能研究。起止日期:2020.01-2021.12.。
(1) 2011年第二届全国磁热效应材料及磁制冷技术学术研讨会做“微观应力对MnAs0.97P0.03磁性及磁热效应的影响”的邀请报告。
(2) 2012年第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议上做“La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6中与颗粒尺寸相关的滞后减少”的学术报告。
(3) 2016年美国新奥尔良召开的61届世界年度磁学大会磁制冷分会场做“Effect of B-doping on the structure and magnetocaloric properties of plate-shaped La0.6Pr0.4Fe11.4Si1.6Hx sintered in high-pressure H2 atmosphere”的口头英文报告。
(4) 2018年第五届全国磁热效应材料及磁制冷技术学术研讨会做“La0.9Ce0.1Fe11.71-xMnxSi1.3氢化物块体的磁热效应研究” 的学术报告。
1.“Effect of microstrain on the magnetism and magnetocaloric properties of MnAs0.97P0.03”,辽宁省科学技术协会, 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖,学术论文类一等奖, 2012,证书编号:2012-LNL0027。
2. “High magnetic-refrigeration performance of plate-shaped La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6 hydrides sintered in high-pressure H2 atmosphere” 辽宁省科学技术协会, 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖,学术论文类三等奖, 2016,证书编号:164303500472631
3. 共指导两名研究生获校级优秀论文,一名省级优秀论文提名;指导一项国家级大学生创新计划项目及一项省级大学生创新项目。
1. B.S. Du, Y.Z. Zheng (通讯作者), J.F. Ye, D.K. Wang, C.T. Mao, N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Photoluminescence-based sensing of ethanol gas with ultrafine WO3 nanorods, Optics Letters, 47 (2022) 1145-1148.
2. J.H. Huang, Y.D. Zhang, N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Y. Zhang X.G. Zhao,Z.D. Zhang,Comprehensive performance of ball-milled La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6B0.2Hy/Al magnetocaloric composite,Chinese Physics B, 2022,已接收,文章链接:https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1674-1056/ac280b.
3. NaiKun Sun (通讯作者) Wu Li, Chao Pang, Dehan Zhong, Meiling Li, Thermoelectric properties of Cu2Se sintered in high-pressure H2 or N2 atmosphere, Solid State Communications, 339 (2021) 114505-5.
4. J. Guo, X.G. Zhao (通讯作者), N.K. Sun (通讯作者), X.F. Xia, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, Tunable quantum Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations in antiferromagnetic topological semimetal Mn-doped Cd3As2,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,76 (2021) 243-257.
5. Q. Liu, M. Tong, X.G. Zhao (通讯作者), N.K. Sun(通讯作者), X.F. Xiao, J. Guo, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, Microstructure and magnetocaloric properties in high-pressure H2 sintered La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6 ribbons, Chinese Physics B, 30 (2021) 087502-5.
6. N.K. Sun(通讯作者), X.G. Zhao, Y.W. Song, R.Q. Liu, J. Guo, Y. Zhang, J.H. Huang, Z.D. Zhang, Electroless plating Ni-P coatings on La(Fe, Si)13 hydride bulks for room-temperature magnetic-refrigeration application, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 525 (2021) 167685 (1-7).
7. Naikun Sun, Yang Zhang, Xinguo Zhao, Jie Guo, Juan Cheng, Jiaohong Huang, Zhidong Zhang. Microstructure, mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of bulk La0.9Ce0.1Fe11.7-xMnxSi1.3 hydrides prepared by high-hydrogen-pressure sintering. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 495 (2020) 165889.
8. M.Z. Sun,, K. Wang, N.K. Sun (通讯作者), X.M. Zhang, Enhancing the thermoelectric performance of ZnO film by sputterdeposition of Ag nanoparticles, Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 015039-6.
9. 佟永丽,郭 杰,任增鑫,徐志洁,孙乃坤(通讯作者),高压烧结时间及颗粒尺寸对片状LaFe11.44Si1.56 氢化物块体结构及磁热效应的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程,47, 2018, 954-960.
10. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Z.X. Ren, J. Guo, P.Z. Si, M.Z. Sun, Effect of B-doping on the structure and magnetocaloric properties of plate-shaped La0.6Pr0.4Fe11.4Si1.6Hx sintered in high-pressure H2 atmosphere, AIP ADVANCES, 7 (2017) 056419 (1-7).
11. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Ren Z X, Shen L H, Guo J and Si pingzhan,Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Mn0.98Fe0.02P1-xAsx compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 690 (2017) 598-603.
12. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Z.X. Ren, J. Guo, S.J. Du , P. Z. Si,Influence of High-Pressure Nitrogenation on the Structural, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6, Acta Metall. Sin., (Engl. Lett.), 28 (2015) 1382-1386.
13. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), J. Guo, X. G. Zhao, P. Z. Si, J. H. Huang and Z. D. Zhang, High magnetic-refrigeration performance of plate-shaped La0.5Pr0.5Fe11.4Si1.6 hydrides sintered in high-pressure H2 atmosphere, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106 (2015) 092401-4).
14. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), J. Guo, S.J. Du, S.N. Xu, P.Z. Si, J.J. Liu, Influence of High-Pressure Nitrogenation on the Structure, Magnetism and Microwave Absorption Properties of SmFe10Mo2, Acta Metall. Sin., (Engl. Lett.), 28 (2015) 781-786.
15. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), B.S. Du, F. Liu, P.Z. Si, M.X. Zhao, X.Y. Zhang, G.M.Shi,,Influence of annealing on the microwave-absorption properties of Ni/TiO2 nanocomposites, J. Alloy. Compd., 577 (2013), 533–537.
16.N.K. Sun, Y.B. Li, F. Liu, Y.B. Gao, and T.B. Ji,Magnetism and Magnetocaloric Properties of Mn3Zn1–xSnxC and Mn3–xCrxZnC Compounds, Journal of Material Science and Technology,28 (2012) 941-945.
17. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), F. Liu, Y.B. Gao, and P.Z. Si,Magnetic, magnetocaloric and transport properties of CrAs0.3Sb0.7, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 334 (2013)1-4.
18. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), F. Liu, Y.B. Gao, Z.Q. Cai, B.S. Du, S.N.Xu and P.Z. Si,Effect of microstrain on the magnetism and magnetocaloric properties of MnAs0.97P0.03, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100 (2012) 112407-4.
19. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), F. Liu, Y.B. Gao and J.J. Liu,Magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effects in MnAs0.9P0.1, Acta Metall. Sin., (Engl. Lett.), 25 (2012) 76-80.
20. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), F. Liu, Y.B. Gao and J.J. Liu,Magnetism and magnetocaloric properties of Mn0.95Cr0.05As, Physica B, 406, 2731-2733, 2011.
21. N.K. Sun (通讯作者) , S. N. Xu, D. Li and Z.D. Zhang, Magnetocaloric effect and size-effect related thermal hysteresis reduction in MnAs1-xPx compounds, Phys. Stat. Sol. A, 2011,208, 1950-1952.
22. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), D. Li, S.N. Xu, Z.H. Wang and Z.D. Zhang, Room-temperature magnetocaloric effect in (Co0.35Mn0.65)2P compound, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2011,27, 382-384.
23. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), D. Li and Z.D. Zhang, Magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effects in Fe0.75Mn1.35As, J. Mater. Sci., 44, 3472-3475, 2009.
24. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), W.B. Cui, D. Li, D.Y. Geng, F. Yang and Z.D. Zhang, Giant room-temperature magnetocaloric effect in Mn1-xCrxAs, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 072504 (1-3), 2008.
25. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), D.Y. Geng, Z.H. Wang, X.G. Liu and Z.D. Zhang, Ce3Al11/Al2O3 nanocapsules with large cryogenic magnetocaloric effect, Physica B, 403, 2521-2524, 2008.
26. N.K. Sun (通讯作者) S. Ma, Q. Zhang, J. Du, and Z.D. Zhang, Large room-temperature magnetocaloric effects in Fe0.8Mn1.5As, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 112503 (1-3), 2007.
27.N.K. Sun, Y.B. Li, D. Li, W.S. Zhang, S. Ma, J.J. Liu and Z.D. Zhang, Magnetic, electronic transport and magneto-transport behaviors of CoxFe1-xMnP compounds, J. Alloy. Compd., 429, 29-33, 2007.
28. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Y.B. Li, D. Li, Q. Zhang, W.J. Feng, and Z.D. Zhan, Anomalous positive magnetoresistance in Fe0.75Mn1.35As, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 172402 (1-4), 2006.
29. N.K. Sun (通讯作者), Y.Q. Zhang, Y.B. Li, D. Li, W.F. Li, W. Liu, X.G. Zhao and Z.D. Zhang, Magnetic, electronic transport and magneto-transport behaviors of (Co1-xMnx)2P compounds, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 39, 4304-4310, 2006.