E-mail: hym02022@163.com
1. 光子核物理结构与特征研究
2. 量子光学理论物理建模及不确定性研究
3. 极端条件下核物质结构特性研究等
目前已发表学术论文10余篇,其中第一作者论文5篇,分别为SCI检索论文4篇,核心1篇。相关工作发表在《PhysicalReview C》、《ChinesePhysics C》、《Progress Of Theoretical And Experimental Physics》等国内外知名杂志期刊上。
1.Hai-Yan Meng, Hua-Lei Wang and Min-Liang Liu, Resolution of a possible misinterpretation of the nuclear excitation mode along the yrast line: An investigation on the evolution of rotation and vibration, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014315 (2022).
2.Hai-Yan Meng, Hua-Lei Wang and Min-Liang Liu, Landscape appreciation of systematic structure properties in even-even nuclei along the valley of stability, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014329 (2022).
3.Hai-Yan Meng, Hua-Lei Wang, Discovery on new characterizations of parameter distributions in a semi-empirical mass model: an investigation by dividing an overdetermined system into numerous balanced subsystems, Chin. Phys. C 46,104108 (2022).
4.Hai-Yan Meng, Yi-Wei Hao, Hua-Lei Wang, and Min-Liang Liu, Signature of yrast-state structure in even–even hafnium isotopes based on traditional total-Routhian-surface calculations and novel E-GOS curves, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2018, 103D02.