姓 名:王岩松
职 称:教授
电子信箱:wysgcd@sues.edu.cn ; jzwbt@163.com
王岩松,男,1971年2月出生,上海工程技术大学汽车工程学院教授、院长。2006年毕业于University of Ulsan(韩国),获得汽车工程专业博士学位。2008年入选辽宁省高校优秀人才支持计划、上海高校特聘教授(东方学者),2012年入选东方学者跟踪计划,2013年获得上海市五一劳动奖章。现为国际IEEE、IIAV学会会员,中国兵工学会测试技术委员会委员、环境学会高级会员、汽车工程学会、声学学会会员,“Journal of Sound and Vibration”等10余个国际学术期刊审稿人。
近年来,先后承担国内外科研项目30余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,教育部科研基金项目1项、国家外专局项目2项、辽宁省自然科学基金项目1项、上海市科技攻关项目1项、上海市人才发展基金项目1项、上海市“东方学者”及跟踪项目2项;获授权专利14项,其中发明专利4项。先后获得中国机械工业二等奖1项、三等奖1项、中国汽车工业科技进步三等奖1项、上海市科技进步三等奖1项、辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖1项、二等奖2项、上海市优秀发明银奖1项;获得省部级教学改革成果二等奖1项、三等奖1项;先后指导研究生40余名。在“Journal of Sound and Vibration”、“Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing”、“Applied Mathematical Modelling”、“Applied Acoustics”、“International Journal of Automotive Technology”、“振动与冲击”等国内外重要期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文120余篇,其中被SCI收录27篇、EI收录63篇,先后出版学术专著和教材6部;所发表的论文成果被国外SCI、EI期刊论文他引次数达到260余次,相关研究成果在国际学术界产生了重要影响。
5.上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)计划 上海市人才项目,50万元,2009~2011,项目负责人。
6.上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)跟踪计划 上海市人才项目,100万元,2013~2015,项目负责人。
7.中重型柴油机国 IV排放关键技术的应用研究(No.2011006),上海市人才发展资金项目,10万元,2011~2013,项目负责人。
10.基于相变材料的汽车电池以及功率器件复合热管理装置(No.14520501100) 上海市科委科技攻关项目,80万元,2014~2017,排名第二。
1. Xing, Y. F.; Wang, Y. S.*; Shi, L.; et al. Sound quality recognition using optimal wavelet-packet transform and artificial neural network methods, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 66-67, 875-892, 2016.
2. Wang, Y. S.* Shen, G. Q.; Guo, H.; et al. Roughness modelling based on human auditory perception for sound quality evaluation of vehicle interior noise, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332(16) 3893-3904, 2013.
3. Wang, Y. S.*; Ma, Q. H.; Zhu, Q.; et al. An intelligent approach for engine fault diagnosis based on Hilbert-Huang transform and support vector machine, Applied Acoustics, 75, 1-9, 2014.
4. Y. S. Wang, C.-M Lee. Sound Quality Prediction for Nonstationary Vehicle Interior Noise Based on Wavelet Pre-processing Neural Network Model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 299, 933-947, 2007.
5. Y. S. Wang. Sound Quality Estimation for Nonstationary Vehicle Noises Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 324, 1124-1140, 2009.
6. Y. S. Wang, C.-M. Lee. Evaluation of Nonstationary Vehicle Passing Loudness Based on an Antinoise Wavelet Pre-Processing Neural Network Model, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 7, No. 4. 459-480, 2009.
7. Y. S. Wang, H. He, and A. L. Geng. Comparison and Application of the Experimental Methods for Multi-layer Prediction of Acoustical Properties of Noise Control Materials in Standing Wave-duct Systems, Applied Acoustics, 69(10), 847-857, 2008.
8. Y. S. Wang, C.-M Lee, L. J. Zhang. Wavelet Analysis of Vehicle Nonstationary Vibration Under Correlated Four-wheel Random Excitation, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 5(4) 257-268, 2004.
9. C.-M Lee, Y. S. Wang*. A Prediction Method of the Acoustical Properties of Multi-layered Noise Control Materials in Standing Wave-duct Systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298, 350-365, 2006.
10. Yansong Wang, Jianpeng Zhou, Hao Chen, Yan Li. A Study on Bus Interior Noise Based on a Finite-element Pre-processing Boundary Element Algorithm, Advanced Science Letters, 2011.
11. XiaolanWang; Xubing Liu; Wang, Yansong*; Xintian Liu; Hui Guo, Reliability analysis on the drive system of a gear-type oil pump with variable displacement, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8 (3) 2016.
12. Fan, Pingqing; Wang, Yansong*; Zhao, Linlin, Modal analysis of a truck cab using the least squares complex exponent test method, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 7(3) 1687814015573782 , 2015.
13. Wang, Y. S.*; Shen, G. Q.; Xing, Y. F. A sound quality model for objective synthesis evaluation of vehicle interior noise based on artificial neural network, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 45(1) 255-266, 2014.
14. Tang, C.; Wang, Y. S.*; Guo, H. Acoustical design for public address announcements in an underground subway station, NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 62(4) 275-282, 2014.
15. Tang, C.; Wang, Y. S.*; Gao, J. H.; et al. Fluid-sound coupling simulation and experimental validation for noise characteristics of a variable displacement external gear pump, Noise Control Engineering Journal, 62(3) 123-131, 2014.
16. Hu, Kai; Wang, Yan Song*; Guo, Hui; et al. Sound Quality Evaluation and Optimization for Interior Noise of Rail Vehicle, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 820875, 2014.
17. Xing, Yanfeng; Wang, Yansong* Design and optimisation of assembly technique for auto-body components, International Journal of Production Research, 51(22) 6515-6533, 2013.
18. Xing, Yanfeng; Wang, Yansong*, Fixture layout design based on two-stage method for sheet metal components, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 227(B1) 162-172, 2013.
19. Xing, Yanfeng Wang, Yansong*, Assembly sequence planning based on a hybrid particle swarm optimisation and genetic algorithm, International Journal of Production Research, 50(24) 7303-7312, 2012.
20. Yansong Wang, Weiwei Wu. Discrete Wavelet Transfom for Nonstationary Signal Processing (Book Chapter), Discrete Wavelet Transfoms, INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2011.