










个人简介:主要从事激光表面改性和修复再制造的研究工作。作为项目负责人承担各类项目10余项,主要包括2项国家自然科学基金(面上项目和青年基金各1项),1项上海市曙光计划项目、1项上海市青年科技启明星计划项目、1项上海市科委攻关项目、1项上海市科委纳米专项、3项企业资助项目。近五年以第一作者和通讯作者名义在《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Materials Characterization》、《Optics & Laser Technology》、《Wear》、《Thin Solid Films》等期刊发表论文20余篇,SCI、EI收录18篇,其中5篇文章发表在二区期刊。申请国家发明专利6项,授权4项。国家自然科学基金函评专家和上海市经济和信息化委员会专项资金评审专家。《Applied Surface Science》、《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》等期刊审稿人。







6) 2014年度上海市首届青年教师教学竞赛三等奖;

7) 2014年度上海工程技术大学教学成果一等奖;

8) 2014年度上海工程技术大学“优秀主讲教师”称号;

9)  2011年度上海工程技术大学“青年教学明星”称号。


序号 项目名称 批准单位 负责人
1 磨损诱发激光熔覆层表层塑性区组织演变规律及其疲劳损伤行为研究 国家自然科学基金委员会/面上项目 李军
2 基于稀土添加的激光改性层搭接区冶金行为及阻裂调控研究 国家自然科学基金委员会/青年基金 李军
3 关键动力零部件激光表面改性关键问题的研究 上海市科学技术委员会/上海市科委攻关项目 李军
4 滑动摩擦工况下激光改性搭接区应变硬化效应及其开裂失效机制的研究 上海市教育委员会/上海市曙光计划项目 李军
5 基于添加稀土的原位自生纳米增强相及强化机制研究 上海市科学技术委员会/上海市青年科技启明星计划项目 李军
6 激光诱导原位自生纳米增强相及其强韧化机制研究 上海市科学技术委员会/上海市科委纳米专项 李军


[1]J. Li, X. Luo, G.J. Li.Effect of Y2O3on the sliding wear resistance of TiB/TiC-reinforced composite coatings fabricated by laser cladding [J]. Wear, 2014, 310:72-82.

[2]Jun Li, Zhishui Yu, Huiping Wang. Wear behaviors of an (TiB+TiC)/Ti composite coating fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding [J]. Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519:4804-4808.

[3] Y.H. Lv,J. Li*, Y.F. Tao, L.F. Hu.Oxidation behaviors of the TiNi/Ti2Ni matrix composite coatings with different contents of TaC addition fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding [J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,679:202-212.

[4]X.Luo,J. Li*,G.J. Li.Effect of NiCrBSi content on microstructural evolution, crackingsusceptibility and wear behaviors of laser cladding WC/Ni–NiCrBSicomposite coatings[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 626:102-111.

[5]C.C. Qu,J. Li*, L.L. Bai, J.Z. Shao, R. Song, J.L. Chen.Effects of the thickness of the pre-placed layer on microstructuralevolution and mechanical properties of the laser-clad coatings[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 644:450-463.

[6]R. Song,J. Li*, J.Z. Shao, L.L. Bai, J.L. Chen, C.C. Qu.Microstructural evolution and wear behaviors of laser claddingTi2Ni/a(Ti) dual-phase coating reinforced by TiB and TiC[J].Applied Surface Science, 2015,355:298-309.

[7]Guang Jie Li,Jun Li*, Xing Luo.Effects of high temperature treatment on microstructure and mechanicalproperties of laser-clad NiCrBSi/WC coatings on titanium alloy substrate[J].Materials Characterization,2014,98:83-92.

[8]G.J. Li,J.Li*, X.Luo.Effects of post-heat treatment on microstructure and properties of laser cladded composite coatings on titanium alloy substrate[J].Optics & Laser Technology, 2015,65:66-75.

[9]J.L. Chen,J.Li*, R.Song,L.L.Bai,J.Z.Shao,C.C.Qu.Effect of the scanning speed on microstructural evolution and wear behaviors of laser cladding NiCrBSi composite coatings[J].Optics & Laser Technology, 2015,72:86-99.

[10]L.L.Bai,J.Li*, J.L.Chen,R.Song,J.Z.Shao,C.C.Qu.Effect ofthecontentofB4Conmicrostructuralevolutionandwear behaviorsofthelaser-cladcoatingsfabricatedonTi6Al4V[J].Optics & Laser Technology,2016,76:33-45.

[11]Jun Li, Xuan-jun Zhang, Hui-ping Wang, and Man-ping Li. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni-based composite coatings reinforced by in situ synthesized TiB2+TiC by laser cladding[J].International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Material, 2013, 20(1):57-64.

[12]Jun Li, Zhi-shui Yu, Hui-ping Wang, and Man-ping Li. Microstructural evolution of in situ synthesized TiB and TiC reinforced titanium matrix composites coatings on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding [J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Material, 2010, 17(4):481-488.

[13]LI Jun, YU Zhishui, Wang Huiping, LI Manping. Microstructure characterization of titanium matrix composites coatings reinforced by in situ synthesized TiB+TiC fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding [J]. Rare Metals, 2010, 29(5):465-472.

[14] Jin Zhong Shao.Jun Li*, Cui Cui Qu, Rui Song, Lv Lin Bai, Jia Li Chen. Wear analysis of the composite coating in a long sliding time by dissipated energy approach [J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (DOI: 10.1515/secm-2015-0235).

[15] X. Luo,J. Li*AND G.J. Li. The Effects of Laser Remelting on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of WC-TiC Reinforced TiNi-Ti2Ni Dualphase Intermetallic Matrix Coatings [J]. Laser in Engineering, 2015, 31:383-400.
