












陆杰教授是药物晶体与功能材料领域国内外知名专家,已在Nanoscale、Journal of Pharmaceutical Science、Separation and Purification Technology、Organic Process Research & Development、Journal of Crystal Growth、Current Medicinal Chemistry、Journal of Physical Chemistry B、Crystal Growth & Design、Biophysical Chemistry等重要专业期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇、授权专利4项。2012年起任国家基金委重大研究计划项目、面上项目、青年项目、地区基金项目以及教育部博士点基金项目等各类研究项目计划的评审专家。迄今,已主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目3项、国际合作项目2项;省部级项目10余项。迄今,已指导校内外具有高分子材料科学与工程、化学工程与工艺、环境与资源工程、药物晶体工程、生物技术、生物医学纳米材料、有机合成、等学科背景的研究生30余名。




国际期刊Crystal Growth & Design, Journal of Crystal Growth, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,及国内期刊《化工学报》、《高校化学工程学报》等的审稿人;美国化学协会(ACS)之最有价值审稿人。

精细控制结晶技术开发与工程化应用. 2013年度中国商业联合会科技进步奖一等奖。

高纯产品制备的工业结晶技术开发及工程化应用. 2013年度中国轻工业联合会科技进步三等奖。

工业色谱清洁分离关键技术开发与工程化应用. 2010年度中国轻工业联合会科技进步三等奖。


2011.1 - 2012.12,教育部留学回国人员科研项目《药物多晶型成核研究》(项目编号:2011年批次)。

2012.1 - 2015.12,国家自然科学基金项目《蛋白质分子晶体的二维自组装研究》(项目编号:21176102)。

2012.1 - 2015.12,国家自然科学基金项目《恶臭假单胞菌扁桃酸消旋酶催化底物多样性产生机制的研究》(项目编号:21176215)。

2012.8 - 2013.7,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)和德国研究基金(DFG)联合资助项目《工业结晶基础与前沿》(项目编号:GZ843)。

2012.8 - 2014.7,江苏省环保科研课题《高盐度工业废水的绿色循环处理新技术及其应用》(项目编号:2012004)。

2013.7 - 2016.6,江苏省自然科学基金项目《药物分子多晶型结晶的机理及控制研究》(项目编号:BK20131100)。

2014.7 - 2017.6,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)和德国研究基金(DFG)联合资助项目《Toward Further Understanding and Higher Efficiency of Protein Crystallization》(项目编号:GZ935)。

2015.1 - 2018.12,国家自然科学基金项目《生物胶体中晶体的自组装及转变机理研究:以胆固醇结石为例》(项目编号:21476136)。

2015.6 - 2015.9,高纯度萝卜硫素的生产工艺技术开发(项目编号: (15) HG-002),产学研合作。

2015.11 - 2018.10,上海市科委重点支撑项目《药物晶体组装与调控共性关键技术开发》(项目编号:15430501200)。


Xi-Jian Liu, Guo-Ying Deng, Ye-Ying Wang, Qian Wang, Zhi-Fang Gao, Yan-Gang Sun, Wen-Long Zhang, Jie Lu*, Jun-Qing Hu. A novel and facile synthesis of porous SiO2-coated ultrasmall Se particles as drug delivery nanoplatform for efficient synergistic treatment of cancer cells. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8536-8541.

Zhen-Xuan Fang, Mu-Dan Zhang, Xi-Jian Liu, Shi-Min Mao, Jie Lu*, Sohrab Rohani. A neural network approach to simulating the dynamic extraction process of L-phenylalanine from sodium chloride aqueous solutions by emulsion liquid membrane. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016, 105, 188-199.  

Jin-Rong Sun, Li-Juan Zhang, Shi-Min Mao, Sohrab Rohani, Jie Lu*. Solid-liquid equilibrium of NaCl + HOCH2COONa + H2O system from (283.15 to 353.15) K. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 409, 334-340.

Jin-Rong Sun, Zhen-Xuan Fang, Xi-Jian Liu, Shi-Min Mao, Li-Juan Zhang, Sohrab Rohani, Jie Lu*. Solubility measurement and simulation of rivaroxaban (form I) in solvent mixtures from (273.15 to 323.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2016, 61, 495-503.

Mu-Dan Zhang, Zhen-Xuan Fang, Jing-Huan Zhai, Shi-Min Mao, Li-Juan Zhang, Sohrab Rohani, Jie Lu*. Measurement and correlation of the solubility of rivaroxaban (form I) in binary mixtures of ethyl acetate with tetrahydrofuran, N,N-dimethylformamide, and N,N-dimethylacetamide from 278.15 to 318.15 K. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 94, 1-6.

Zhen-Xuan Fang, Li-Juan Zhang, Si-Min Mao, Sohrab Rohani, Joachim Ulrich, Jie Lu*. Solubility measurement and prediction of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate polymorphs in isopropanol and ethyl acetate. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2015, 90, 71-78.

Guan Liu, Li-Juan Zhang, Shi-Min Mao, Sohrab Rohani, Chi-Bun Ching, Jie Lu*. Zwitterionic chitosan-silica-PVA hybrid ultrafiltration membranes for protein separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 152, 55-63.

Rong-Rong Li, Ling Jiang, Li-Dan Ye, Jie Lu*, Hong-Wei Yu. Oriented covalent immobilization of esterase BioH on hydrophilic modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2014, 61(5), 603-610.

Jie Lu*, Dan-Hui Wu, Sohrab Rohani. Influence of Ca2+ on cholesterol crystallization from supersaturated model biles. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 367, 51-56.

Jie Lu*, Yi-Ping Li, Jing Wang, Guo-Bin Ren, Sohrab Rohani, Chi-Bun Ching. Crystallization of an active pharmaceutical ingredient that oils out. Separation and Purification Technology, 2012, 96, 1-6. 

Jie Lu*, Yi-Ping Li, Jing Wang, Zhen Li, Sohrab Rohani, Chi-Bun Ching. Study on the oiling-out and crystallization for the purification of idebenone. Organic Process Research & Development, 2012, 16(3), 442-446.

Jie Lu*, Jing Wang, Sohrab Rohani. Preparation and characterization of amorphous, I and II forms of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate. Crystal Research and Technology, 2012, 47(5), 505-510. 

Jie Lu*, Yi-Ping Li, Jing Wang, Zhen Li, Sohrab Rohani, Chi-Bun Ching. Pharmaceutical cocrystals: A comparison of sulfamerazine with sulfamethazine. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011, 335, 110-114.

Jie Lu*, Xiao-Lin Jiang, Zhen Li, Sohrab Rohani, Chi-Bun Ching. Solubility of a lysozyme in polyelectrolyte aqueous solutions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2011, 56(12), 4808-4812.

Jie Lu*, Sohrab Rohani. Synthesis and preliminary characterization of sulfamethazine-theophylline cocrystal. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010, 99(9), 4042-4047.

Jie Lu*, Sohrab Rohani. Preparation and characterization of theophylline-nicotinamide cocrystal. Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13(6), 1269-1275.

Jie Lu*, Sohrab Rohani. Polymorphic crystallization and transformation of the anti-viral/HIV drug stavudine. Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13(6), 1262-1268.

Jie Lu*, Sohrab Rohani. Polymorphism and crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 16(7), 884-905.

Ying-Xin Liu, Xiu-Juan Wang, Jie Lu*, Chi-Bun Ching. Influence of the roughness, topography and physicochemical properties of chemically modified surfaces on the heterogeneous nucleation of protein crystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111(50), 13971-13978. 

Jie Lu*, Xiu-Juan Wang, Xia Yang, Chi-Bun Ching. Polymorphism and crystallization of famotidine. Crystal Growth & Design, 2007, 7(9), 1590-1598.

Jie Lu*, Jing-Kang Wang. Agglomeration, breakage, population balance and crystallization kinetics of reactive precipitation process. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2006, 193(7), 891-902.

Jie Lu*, Xiu-Juan Wang, Xia Yang, Chi-Bun Ching. Solubilities of glycine and its oligopeptides in aqueous solutions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2006, 51(5): 1593-1596.

Jie Lu*, Keith Carpenter, Rui-Jiang Li, Xiu-Juan Wang, Chi-Bun Ching. Cloud-point temperature and liquid-liquid phase separation of supersaturated lysozyme solution. Biophysical Chemistry, 2004, 109(1), 105-112.

Jie Lu*, Xiu-Juan Wang, Chi-Bun Ching. Effect of additives on the crystallization of lysozyme and chymotrypsinogen A. Crystal Growth & Design, 2003, 3(1), 83-87.

Jie Lu*, Pui-Shan Chow, Keith Carpenter. Phase transitions in lysozyme solutions characterized by differential scanning calorimetry. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials, 2003, 46(3), 105-129.

Jie Lu*, Xiu-Juan Wang, Chi-Bun Ching. Batch crystallization of soluble proteins: effect of precipitant, temperature and additive. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials, 2002, 45(3), 201-217. 
