


姓名   唐博合金             

职称   教授

所属学院   化学化工学院

研究方向  新型催化剂在化学品(油品)精制、有机物载体储氢-脱氢等方面的应用研究;功能型离子液体的合成、金属有机框架材料(MOFs)以及新型超级电容器电极材料、锂(钠)离子电池电极材料、染料敏化电池等方面的研究。

通讯地址   上海松江区龙腾路333号实训中心3号楼3410室

邮政编码    201600

联系电话    13701813919

电子信箱    tangbohejin@gmail.com

个人简介   1964年出生,内蒙古通辽市人。硕士生导师,2004年7月毕业于南开大学化学学院并获博士学位,2004年9月至2006年7月在美国ACCELERGY能源公司完成博士后研究工作,美国明尼苏达大学高级访问学者。曾在内蒙古民族大学,中国石化总公司抚顺石油化工研究院任职。

所获荣誉   2012年“一种超深度脱硫催化体系”及2014年“一种有机物载体储氢系统及其制备方法”,分别获得上海市优秀发明专利-银奖。

科研项目   主持完成上海市科委重点项目(071605122)-生态氢制备与功能型液体储氢技术的研究与应用、上海市科委科技特派员项目 (09QT1404400)-加兰他敏的化学合成方法研究、上海市教委重点项目 (08ZZ95)-功能化离子液体在柴油氧化脱硫中的应用基础研究等项目。


1.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.SO4-2/SnO2as a new electrode for electrochemical supercapacitors, Ceramics International 2014,(40):8925-8929.

2.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.The electrochemical performance of SnO2quantum dots@zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-8 (ZIF-8) composite material for supercapacitors, Materials Letters       2014 (128) 208–211      .

3.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.Electrochemical capacitor behavior of SO42-/MxOy(M-Fe, Ti, Zr, Sn),        Ceramics International   2015 (41) 3791–3799.

4.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.Synthesis of nickel oxalate/zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 (NiC2O4/ZIF-67) as a supercapacitor electrode,       New Journal of Chemistry     2015, 39, 94-97.

5.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.The calcined zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) under different conditions as electrode for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry      2014 (18):3203–3207.

6.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.Synthesis of nickel carbonate hydroxide@ zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 (Ni2CO3(OH)2@ ZIF-67) for pseudocapacitor applications,       Journal of  Applied Electrochemistry 2015,45(6): 541-547.

7.Yilong Gao, Jianxiang Wu and Bohejin Tang*, et al.Synthesis of nickel carbonate hydroxide/zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 as a supercapacitors electrode,     RSC Advances       2014 (4)36366-36371.

8.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. Ultrafine nano zirconia as electrochemical pseudocapacitor material,       Ceramics International   2015, (41):2626-2630.

9.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. Amorphous nickel-boron and nickel- manganese-boron alloy as electrochemical pseudocapacitor materials      RSC Advances       2014,4(53): 27800-27804.

10.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. An amorphous nickel-cobalt-boron alloy as advanced pseudocapacitor material[J].New Journal of Chemistry2014,38(10):4666-4669.

11.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. Synthesis of amorphous cobalt-boron alloy/highly ordered mesoporous carbon nanofiber arrays as advanced pseudocapacitor material, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2015,19(2): 93-598.

12.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. A facile approach to prepare Bi(OH)3nanoflakes as high-performance pseudocapacitor materials      New J. Chem  2015,39(8): 5927-5930.

13.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. In2O3Nanoparticles on Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous (3DOM) Carbon for Pseudocapacitor Electrodes Electrochimica Acta       2015(176)861-867.

14.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. A facile synthesis of SO42−/SnO2solid superacid nanoparticles as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS   2016.

15.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon nanofiber arrays/nickel-boron amorphous alloy with high electrochemical performance for supercapacitor, Journal of Materials Science  (2015) 50:4622-4628.

16.Yueyue Tan, Wei Zhangand Bohejin Tang*,et al.Facile synthesis and supercapacitive properties of Zr-metal organic frameworks (UiO-66)      RSC Advances (2015) 5:17601-17605.

17.Yueyue Tan, Wei Zhangand Bohejin Tang*,et al.Deep oxidation desulfurization with a new imidazole-type acidic ionic liquid polymer, RSC Advances 2014, 4, 58800-58804.

18.Jianxiang Wu, Yilong Gao, Wei Zhang, Bohejin Tang*, et al.A novel 2D supramolecular compound of zwitterion and polyoxoanion and its application in catalytic desulfurization,     Inorganica Chimica Acta      2015 (425) 108-113       .

19.Jianxiang Wu, Yilong Gao, Wei Zhang, Bohejin Tang*, et al.Deep desulfurization by oxidation using an active ionic liquid-supported Zr metal-organic framework as catalyst,   Applied organometallic Chemistry       2015 (29) 96-100.

20.Jianxiang Wu, Yilong Gao, Wei Zhang, Bohejin Tang*, et al.New imidazole-type acidic ionic liquid polymer for biodiesel synthesis from vegetable oil  Chemical Engineering and Processing 2015 (93) 61-65.

21.Jianxiang Wu, Yilong Gao, Wei Zhang, Bohejin Tang*, et al.Esterification of cooking oil for biodiesel production using composites Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/ionic liquids catalysts       Applied Petrochemical Research   2014,4(3): 305-312.

24.Jianxiang Wu, Yilong Gao, Wei Zhang, Bohejin Tang*, et al.Adsorption desulfurization study with ionic liquid compound ZrO2/PSMIMHSO4Applied Petrochemical Research2016.

22.Xiaoxiong Huang and Bohejin Tang*,et al. Facile Synthesis of Rod-like Bi2O3Nanoparticles as an Electrode Material for Pseudocapacitors    Ceramics International   2015.

23.Wei Zhang,Yueyue Tan and Bohejin Tang*,et al.Journal of Applied Electrochemistry2016.
