


姓名    田瑾                              

职称 副教授

所属学院 电子电气工程学院

研究方向 计算电磁学、大规模数值计算等

通讯地址 上海市松江区龙腾路333号行政楼909室

邮政编码 201620

联系电话  02167791129

电子信箱  jintian0120@foxmail.com








[1].            Tian J(田瑾), Lv Z Q, Shi X W, Xu L and Wei F. An efficient approach for multifrontal algorithm to solve non-positive-definite finite element equations in electromagnetic problems[J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 95, 121-133, 2009.(SCI,引用次数:15次)

[2].            Tian J(田瑾), Lv Z Q, Shi X W, Xu L and Wei F. A non-positive-definite multifrontal algorithm for finite element analysis[C]. The fifth asia-pacific conference on enviromental electromagnetics & exhibition, 766-769, Xi’an, 9, 16-20, 2009. (EI)

[3].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L, Wu F, Zeng G H. An Efficient Gpu Acceleration Format for Finite Element Analysis[J]. Journal of Electronics(China), 30(6): 1-10, 2013. (Scopus)

[4].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L, Wu F, Zou R and Guohui Zeng. The Storage Formats for Accelerating SMVP on A GPU[C]. Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, 14-16, Hangzhou, China, 2013.11.. (EI)

[5].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L. Novel Pre-treatment for Inhomogeneous Dielectric Media in Finite Element Analysis[C]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 699-701, Harbin, China, 2012.06.24-26.(EI)

[6].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L, Shi X W, Lv Z Q and Liu X. The Closed-Form Solution of Vector Finite Element Integral Equations for Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Analysis[J]. Journal of Electronics(China), 28(4-6), 602-608, 2011. (Scopus)

[7].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L, Shi X W and Xu L. Gpu-accelerated FEM Solver for Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Analysis[J]. Journal of Electronics(China), 28(4-6), 615-622, 2011. (Scopus)

[8].            Tian J(田瑾), Gong L, Shi X W, Xu L. An Incomplete Factorization Preconditioning Method for Solving Vector Finite Element Equations [J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Natural Science Edition), 23, 93-97, 2011.

[9].            Gong L,Tian J*(田瑾). A Review on the effect of Carbon Reduction Policies[J].East China Economic Management, 7(27), 160-163, 2013.

[10].        Gong L,Tian J*(田瑾). Model for Renegotiation in Infrastructure Projects with Government Guarantee [C]. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, 646-648, Lanzhou, China, 8, 18-21, 2012.(EI)

[11].        Gong L,Tian J*(田瑾). Modeling the Impact of Environmental Subsidies on Entry and Exit Infrastructure Projects[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 281, 74-78, 2011. (EI)

[12].        Gong L,Tian J*(田瑾). Entry and Exit Decisions under Environmental Tax in a Duopoly Entry and Exit Decisions in a Symmetric Duopoly Option Game Model[C]. Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, 593-595, Wuhan, China, 10, 17-20, 2011. (优秀论文奖, EI)

[13].        Xu L,Tian J*(田瑾), Shi X W. A closed-form solution to analyze RCS of cavity with rectangular cross section[J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 79, 195-208, 2008.(SCI)
