


姓名:    张艳               

职称:    讲师


研究方向:(1) 先进功能材料的制备与表征

(2)  化学/生物传感器的开发与应用

(3)  绿色催化技术研究




电子信箱:   yanzhang@sues.edu.cn

个人简介: 2013年6月获得上海交通大学材料科学与工程博士学位;毕业后到上海工程技术大学从事教学与科研工作至今。多年来一直从事先进功能材料制备、表征和应用的研究。基于此,进一步开展了绿色催化技术的研究以及生物传感器的开发与应用。先后参与国家自然科学基金的多项科研课题,主持承担 2014年度上海市青年科技英才“扬帆计划”。2015年入选上海工程技术大学人才计划——“展翅计划”。近年来申请多项发明专利,在Small,Nanoscale、ACS Nano等国际期刊发表SCI高影响因子论文10多篇。



1   酶电极修饰层中石墨烯结构对其性能的影响,上海市青年科技英才“扬帆计划”,2014/07-2017/06,在研,主持;

2   石墨烯介孔材料的构建及其在固定化酶中的应用,上海高校青年教师培养资助计划,2015/01-2016/12,在研,主持;

3   热处理对纳米薄膜材料性能的影响,上海工程技术大学内涵建设人才项目,2015/1-2017/12,在研,主持;

4   脉冲激光沉积法层状IGZO薄膜的外延有序排列和载流子传输调控,国家自然科学基金“青年基金”,2015/01-2017/12,在研,主要参与人。

5   有序胶体硅纳米晶的脉冲激光液相烧蚀制备及其光电特性调控研究 国家自然科学基金“青年基金”,2016/01-2018/12,在研,主要参与人。


1)      H L Hao, W S Wu,Y Zhang, L K Wu, W Z Shen,Origin of blue photoluminescence from colloidal silicon nanocrystals fabricated by femtosecond laser ablation in solution,Nanotechnology,2016, 27: 325702(6pp).

2)      Guiqing Hu, Wenyao Li,* Guanjie He, Jingru Wang, Yanhong Zhao,Yan Zhang, Baodian Yao., Molten salt synthesis of Zn1.8Mn0.2SiO4luminescent materials in NaCl-ZnCl2 eutectic salt, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(6): 7852-7856.

3)      H.L. Hao*,L.K. Wu,W.J. Chung,Y. Zhang,W.Z. Shen,Process optimization of RTA on the characteristics of ITO-coated GaN-based LEDs,Microelectronics Reliability, 2015, 55(11): 2263-2268.

4)      杨城,杜政,李明柱,张艳*,三维石墨烯的制备及其影响因素,微纳电子技术,2015,52(8):521-525

5)      X. Wu,Y. Zhang,T. Han,H. Wu,S. Guo*, J. Zhang*, Composite of graphene quantum dots and Fe3O4nanoparticles: peroxidase activity and application in phenolic compound removal,RSC Advances, 2014, 4(7): 3299-3305.

6)     Yan Zhang, Congyu Wu, Xuejiao Zhou, Xiaochen Wu, Yongqiang Yang, Haixia Wu, Shouwu Guo*, Jingyan Zhang*, Graphene Quantum Dots/Gold Electrode and Its Application in Living Cells H2O2Detection.Nanoscale, 2013, 5(5), 1816-1819.

7)     Yan Zhang, Congyu Wu, Shouwu Guo*, Jingyan Zhang*, Interactions of Graphene and Graphene Oxide with Proteins and Peptides.Nanotechnology Rev., 2013, 2(1): 27-45.

8)     Yan Zhang, Jingyan Zhang*, Xuelei Huang, Xuejiao Zhou, Haixia Wu, Shouwu Guo*, Assembly of Graphene Oxide-Enzyme Conjugates through Hydrophobic Interaction.Small, 2012, 8(1): 154-159.

9)     Yan Zhang, Jiali Zhang, Haixia Wu, Shouwu Guo*, Jingyan Zhang*, Glass Carbon Electrode Modified with Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized on Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide for Detecting Phenolic Compounds.J. Electroanal. Chem., 2012, 681: 49-55.

10)  Xuejiao Zhou,Yan Zhang, Chong Wang, Xiaochen Wu, Yongqiang Yang, Bin Zheng, Haixia Wu, Shouwu Guo, Jingyan Zhang, Photo-Fenton Reaction of Graphene Oxide: A New Strategy to Prepare Graphene Quantum Dots for DNA Cleavage.ACS Nano, 2012, 6(8): 6592-6599.

11)  Xiaochen Wu,Yan Zhang, Congyu Wu, Haixia Wu*, Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Fe3O4/CRGO Nanocomposites for Enzyme Immobilization.Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2012, 22:162-168.

12)  Haixia Wu, Guo Gao,Yan Zhang, Shouwu Guo*, Coating Organic Pigment Particles with Hydrous Alumina through Direct Precipitation. Dyes. Pigments, 2012, 92(1): 548-553.

13)  Haixia Wu, Guo Gao, Xuejiao Zhou,Yan Zhang, Shouwu Guo*, Control on the Formation of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Surfaces. CrystEngComm, 2012, 14(2): 499-504.

14)   Yongqiang Yang; Ruiqing Pang; Xuejiao Zhou;Yan Zhang; Haixia Wu; Shouwu Guo*, Composites of Chemically-Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets and Carbon Nanospheres with Three-Dimensional Network Structure as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries.J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22: 23194-23200.

15) Yan Zhang, Haixia Wu, Xuelei Huang, Jingyan Zhang* and Shouwu Guo*, Effect of Substrate (ZnO) Morphology on Enzyme Immobilization and Its Catalytic Activity.Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2011, 6(1): 450.

16)  Yongqiang Yang,Yan Zhang, Xuejiao Zhou, Xiaochen Wu, Sizhe Xu, Haixia Wu, Shouwu Guo, Synthesis, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties of ZnSe Microspheres/Nanosheets. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2011, 3(2): 107-114.

17)  Haixia Wu, Lin Chen, Guo Gao,Yan Zhang, Tingjie Wang, Shouwu Guo, Treatment Effect on the Adsorption Capacity of Alumina for Removal Fluoride. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2010, 2(4): 231-235.
