





学院现有专任教师105人,其中,正教授27人,副教授40人,享受国务院政府津贴3人,享受湖北省政府津贴2人,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划4人,获得海外博士学位16人。周骏教授是中共湖北省委命名表彰的首批“荆楚社科名家”之一,荣获2012年度中国金融学科终身成就奖;张中华教授担任教育部高等学校金融学类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员;朱新蓉教授荣获“湖北名师”称号和鸿儒金融教育基金会“2015-2016年度金融学杰出教师奖”。专任教师中70%以上具有博士学位,40余人具有出国访问学习经历。学院还先后从密歇根大学、波士顿大学、迈阿密大学、香港大学、曼彻斯特大学等著名学府聘请了多位教授担任“长江学者”、“楚天学者”和“文澜学者”讲座教授,聘请了罗伯特·蒙代尔(Robert Mundell)、迈克尔·科诺利(Michael Connolly)等国际著名经济学家以及刘鸿儒、李扬等国内知名专家学者担任名誉教授或兼职教授。


目前,学院有来自10多个国家和地区的20余名不同层次和类型的留学生,与美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami)、法国雷恩商学院(ESC RENNES)等国外高校建立了本科生和研究生交流项目,与美国罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)和西乔治亚大学(University of West Georgia)合作建立了“2.5+1.5”金融学双学士联合培养项目,与新西兰坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)合作建立了双硕士学位研究生联合培养项目。

The School of Finance of  Zhongnan University of Economics and Law was founded in August 2000 with a  combination of the department of finance and investment. During September 2000  and September 2010, the name of the School was officially changed to Xinhua  School of Finance and Insurance according to the education cooperation agreement  between the University and Xinhua Life Insurance Company.

Now, the School has four  departments: Finance, Financial Engineering, Investment and Insurance. The  School offers six undergraduate programs in finance, financial engineering,  investment, insurance, project management and real estate management;eight master programs in finance,  financial engineering, insurance, investment, national economies, real estate  economies, industrial economies, and management science and engineering; five  Ph.D. programs in finance, investment, insurance, financial engineering, and  national economies; and one post-doctoral program in applied economics.  Moreover, the School has seven research centers, including Hubei Financial  Research Center, China Investment Research Center, Finance Research Institute,  Insurance Research Institute, Capital Market Research Institute, Investment  Research Institute and Real Estate Research Institute.

There are 94 faculty  members, including 26 professors and 37 associate professors. Among the 97  full-time faculty members, 3 professors received the Government Allowance  granted by the State Council, and 10 professors got Ph.D. degrees abroad. The  School has two Yangtze River Scholars, Prof. Chen LIN from Hongkong University  and Prof. Haitao LI from University of Michigan Ann Arbor, two Chutian Scholars,  Prof. Zhigang OUYANG and Prof. Jianjun MIAO from Boston University;and one Wenlan Scholar Prof. Tie SU  from University of Miami.

The School has a long  history. Back in the early 1950s, Zhongyuan University (the former of ZUEL)  founded the department of finance and the department of financial management of  infrastructure and credit (the former of the department of investment). The  program of monetary banking and the program of financial management of  infrastructure and credit became the earliest master degree conferring  disciplines of China in 1978 and 1981 respectively, and then became the  ministerial key discipline in 1997. In 2003 the programs of finance and national  economics were affirmed as the key disciplines of Hubei Province. In 2007, the  program of finance was approved as a national key discipline. Among all the high  quality courses offered by the School, such as “Investment” and “Economics of Money and  Banking” are included in the list of National  Top Quality Curriculum, and the courses of “Financial Engineering” and “International Finance” are included in the list of the  National Exemplary Course of Bilingual Teaching. Furthermore, the undergraduate  programs of finance and investment are the brand programs of Hubei Province.  

The School has a high  quality team of teachers and researchers with national reputation. Prof. Jun  ZHOU, a famous financial scholar in China, is widely known for his best teaching  and research in monetary policy. Under the leadership of Prof. Zhonghua ZHANG  and Prof. Xinrong ZHU, many young scholars have been establishing a solid record  of accomplishment. The outstanding faculty has excellent national reputation for  research in monetary policy and financial regulation, investment theory, bank  management and international finance, capital market and financial engineering,  insurance and risk management, real estate management and project management.  

The School emphasizes  academic rigor and learning that bridges theory and practice, empowering the  students with creativity and innovation. A complete training system ranging from  bachelor’sdegree to post doctoral research  program has been set up. The School currently enrolls 2680 undergraduates and  950 graduate students.

In recent years, the School  is active in setting up international academic exchanges and cooperation. The  school offers undergraduate, master and doctorial degree or diploma programs for  overseas students. Currently more than 40 overseas students from over 20 foreign  countries and regions are now studying in the School. The School has established  closely cooperative relationships with several overseas universities. For  example, the School has established student exchange programs at undergraduate  and master levels with University of Miami, ESC RENNES, University of Rhode  Island and University of West Georgia.

(Updated on April. 21st,2014,)